South Sudan military threatens to disarm civilians by force

South Sudan military intelligence chief Lt. Gen. Ring Tueny Mabor (Photo credit: SSBC)
June 29, 2020 (SSNN) ā South Sudan army has threatened to use force against civilians if they don’t surrender guns which the military says have been the reason behind increased inter-communal fighting in the country’s Lakes state.
Lt. Gen. Ring Tueny Mabior, the South Sudan military intelligence chief, said on Sunday that civilians ink Lakes state must hand over their guns to the government or else the army will use force against them to ensure law and order.
“Civilians should voluntarily hand over their guns or we force it out,” Tueny said.
Tueny also revealed that a mass disarmament campaign in Greater Tonj will kick off this week saying continued fighting between different sections of clans in the area has created concerns on the implementation of the revitalized peace agreement.
South Sudan has in recent months seen a rise in inter-communal fighting in different parts of the country. They include Lakes, Warrap, Jonglei, and Unity state.
The international community has blamed the rise in ethnic fighting on the absence of state governments in place which is caused by a deadlock over who takes what state, but which has so far been resolved.
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