Information minister Makuei says returning to work

South Sudan’s Minister of Information and official government spokesperson Michael Makuei Lueth speaks to the press before leaving Juba International Airport on January 2, 2014 headed for Addis Ababa. (Photo credit: CHARLES ATIKI/AFP via Getty Images)
June, 4, 2020 (SSNN) ā South Sudan information minister Michael Makuei Lueth has said that he is returning to work following a fourteen-day isolation after testing positive ā last month ā for COVID-19.
Speaking to South Sudan News Now (SSNN) this afternoon, the information minister said doctors were conducting what he said may be the last test before he would eventually return to work last week.
“Currently I am at my home and waiting for doctors to return to give me a last test for corona[virus],” Makuei said from Juba.
“Well I am planning to return to the office next week. After this test is made, the final decision will be made because it will base on the test results. If I am found positive again ā which I don’t think will be the case ā then I will have to wait. But if not, I will definitely return to work next week,” Makuei added.
Makuei is not the only senior government official to have the virus.
First Vice-President Dr. Riek Machar, Vice-President Hussein Abdelbaggi and Vice President James Wani Igga have been tested positive for the virus.
Makuei’s defense and cabinet ministries counterparts, Angelina Teny and Martin Elia Lomoro,Ā respectively, have also been tested positive for the virus.
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