Greater Bor Leadership Rubbishes “Lost Souls” Call For Administrative Area

Signed footnote of a greater Bor Leadership press release....

Signed footnote of a greater Bor Leadership press release….

May 10, 2020(SSNN) — The leadership of Greater-Bor communities of South Sudan rubbishes a call for Administrative Area that would curve another Administrative Area, comprising of Bor, Twic East and Duk Counties, from the current Jonglei State.

The Chairpersons of the Greater Bor counties condemn the anonymous group in the strongest terms possible calling them as “lost souls” who do not represent the interest of their communities.

“Well, those lost souls do not represent the interest of the Greater Bor Community and with that, we highly CONDEMN their thoughtless decision to act the way they did”

The press release, which was authored by the Chairman of Duk County Peter Lam Mar,,  Chairman of Bor county Majok Kelei Deng and Chairperson of Twic East County, reiterates that the three counties are for one state and they are ready to receive any governor president Kiir appoint or approve.

“We are ready to receive anyone, as long as he/she  is a South Sudanese citizen to be the governor”

They further reiterates that they will not discriminate any leader based on his tribal identity, sex or gender.

“The Greater Bor Community shall not discriminate directly or indirectly against any person appointed by the Presdient as our Governor on any grounds, including sex, ethnic or social origin, age, disability, religion, conscience, belief or culture”

According to a controversial decision that emerged out of the presidency on Thursday, May 7th, 2020, Jonglei State may fall under the leadership of the SPLM/A-IO and the governor could come from the Nuer communities of Lou-Nuer and Phou which according to the protesters may not bring peace to their counties.

At least three of the past governors of Jonglei State came mostly from Greater Bor counties, however, other counties persevered.

It remains to be seen who gets the governorship of Jonglei State, however, the relationships within Jonglei state, which is dominated by the Nuer and Dinka, might be as rocky as it sounds.


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