OPINION: Youth Should Wake UP and vote for a leader in the second national youth union convention.

By John Jur Chol,
SPLA-IO officials training youth in undisclosed locations in Equatoria to wage rebellion against the Juba regime(Image source: supplied))

SPLA-IO officials training youth in undisclosed locations in Equatoria to wage rebellion against the Juba regime(Image source: supplied)

Dec 04, 2019(SSNN) – As South Sudan National Youth Union second convention unveil on the 9th/12/2019, Youth should carry-on with free and fair election as a Christmas gift for the 72% demographic data of the population of South Sudan in this festive season.South Sudanese youth shouldn’t elect someone whom they will regret on later, Its time for youth to support the agenda of a capacitated youth leader who will represent youth of South Sudan globally.

Delegates to the second convention should stop and disregard the propaganda being spread by the supporter of certain candidate (Name withheld) that he is the one representing the government ( Government and SPLM flag bearer as the say).

This is a big NO because as far as youth leadership is concern and for us to call this a free and fair Democratic process, All the seven candidate are all coming to represent the will of the youth and protect the tarnished image of South Sudan as a country by some politician but not a Union that will come and implement the agenda of some politicians, We have already witnessed this in the previous union and ENOUGH is ENOUGH there. (Opps! May God prohibit the Continuity of part Two of the previous union).

We want a union that will protect the interest of youth, and to defense youth when need be. We have some youth now who are suffering under the hand of the politicians, some of them are now being imprisoned in the cells without lawful charges and most of the educated (Graduated) youth doesn’t get access to employment because of rampant nepotism and tribalism in all government institutions and NGOs and other female youth are sexually abused in order for them to get access to the labor market and  there has been no any youth leader who stood out loud to call for an end to such practices.

Bravos to the six candidate despite their political pregnancy, who stood out loud and clear and cristally called for conducting of free and fair election in a democratic process. This is quite commendable and it had clearly shown that they are willing to represent the interest of youth regardless of their political affiliations.

Supporters of Gola took this and made itas an advantage for confusing the delegates that they are earning the support of the government but that is a mere assumption and a propaganda too instead they are earning the support of specific individual within the National security and that’s nothing but their political Godfather.

We should alliance based on ideas but not on the parties because one day parties may disappear but the ideas remains.The delegates themselves are intellectuals, they can decide in a free and fair election.

Having digest and analyzed the manifestoes of all the seven candidates, I found out that there is nobody but only Moulana Deng Gai Gatluak that had what it takes that can lead the youth of South Sudan in an efficient manner and not this National security moulded candidates. Youth should be driven by ideas and not by their tribes or political affiliations.

I therefore call upon the delegates to the second convention of South Sudan National Youth Union to  Vote for Moulana Deng Gai Gatluak. He has a distinct personality and I think he can be a better option for the youth of South Sudan across the country.

To some one who is not here may ask about who Deng Gai is, Here is how I can answer him/her.

His Slogan is, “Unity in Diversity Sustainable Peace and Nation Buildings ”

Components of nation building …is

DEVELOPMENT, It can be social, political or Economic development.

When given the chance, he will be an advocate for youth empowerment as he is doing now in the national dialogue on the basis of youth representation. and that’s the kind of leader we want, the leader who leads by example.

Nevertheless, he will also do so by creating  Entrepreneurial projects that will make the young people to be self reliance  and that can be a source of employment to other youth.

He will create youths capacity building as one of his programs, And how can he do that? This is actually about Vocational training ,which are in another words skills development so when he empower young people and train them with different skills so that youth can engage themselves in carpentry And others, Youth can engage themselves in training that will actually realise the potentials as young people of south this nation .

Moreover, He will established a national youth union structures in States and building of national youth union office here in Juba when given a chance, This is because at the moment the office is operating on the street. Through councils and the executives we will advocate to make sure the national youths union’s office is established in Republic of South Sudan, JUBA.

To add on, The other issue is the implementation of youths enterprise development funds as stipulated. If you look at the revitalize agreement chapter 4 , about resources ,economic and financial management. Article 4:1 actually talks about new INSTITUTIONS and one of this new institution is actually the student’s welfare FUNDS and the other issue under article. 4:15 is enterprise development funds. And one of this enterprise development funds in revitalize agreement is actually the youths development funds  which when established will bring more youths in.

How will he realized all this?

He will realizes this by advocating for passage of South Sudan Youth Development Policy (SSYDP) that’s now at the second reading stage in the Parliament. We believe that its the only tool through which youth independent be attained.

Lastly , Ladies and gentlemen, Having highlighted the about programs, its high time for the youth of this  country more especially delegates to the second convention to vote for Moulana Deng Gai Gatluak.

The writer is a 3rd year medical student in the university of Juba and can be reached via email: johnjur95@gmail.com  or through his phone at +211916555511

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