White Army warns Bor youth to return all their recovered cattle

South Sudan civilian fighters hold their weapons in an identified area in South Sudan on February 10, 2014. (Photo credit: REUTERS)

South Sudan civilian fighters hold their weapons in an identified area in South Sudan on February 10, 2014. (Photo credit: REUTERS)

June 21, 2020(SSNN) — The white army spokesman calls on the Dinka Bor community to return the cattle, compensate the dead and apologize to the Nuer community before the white army finishes their ongoing operation in Murle.

“We are fighting the Murle, not Bor people. We are recovering our cattle, women and children from Murle and we urge the Bor community to stay out of this” Said James Gatluak on behalf of the white army.

“We have more than 10, 000 white army defense force now in Murle doing an intensive operation and for the Bor to come and attack our wounded youth who are being evacuated from the frontline and take their cattle is an insult” He continued.

“The white army will not tolerate this insult. We call on Bor community to address this before our warriors finish their operation in Murle.” Gatluak further added.

The leader of the ambushed white army, Koak Bipal, also spoke to South Sudan news now and threatens that his forces have the capacity to recover their cattle from the Bor youth but he stressed giving them a chance to release the cattle peacefully.

“If the recovered cattle are not returned, and no compensations and apology are issued by the Bor community, then we will abort our operation in Murle and come to Bor to recover our recovered cattle by any means possible” Said Koak Bipal who leads the Gawaar white army

Although the white army could not release the exact details of what he calls an “operation in Murle”, the spokesman said they are fighting Murle in what he calls “Self defense”

“We are sick of these people [Murle], they killed our people and steal children and women every now and then, this operation is being carried out as a formal self-defense” Bipal said.

“We are here to teach Murle a lesson and we do not want Bor or any one to distract us. They started it, we will finish it” he added.

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