Watchdog urges South Sudan to investigate finance minister for corruption

Salvatore Garang Mabior, South Sudan Minister of Finance and Planning (Photo credit: supplied)

Salvatore Garang Mabior, South Sudan Minister of Finance and Planning (Photo credit: supplied)

May 13, 2020 (SSNN) – South Sudan government has been urged by a local watchdog to investigate the country’s minister of finance for corruption after documents surface on social media exposing widespread misuse of public funds.

Last week, finance minister Salvatore Garang came under intense scrutiny after documents circulated on social media exposing the diversion of thousands of dollars for private use including the allocation of SSP30,000,000  (around $100,000) for funeral rite after death of the finance minister’s son.

In a statement on Tuesday, the Center for Peace and Advocacy (CPA), a local advocacy group, condemned the misuse of public money urging the government to take necessary steps to bring to justice Garang.

“The Center for Peace and Advocacy (CPA) strongly condemns the misuse of public funds portrayed by the Ministry of Finance and Planning in a letter dated 5/5/2020. The letter regarding the payment was approved on 6/5/2020.This letter was written by the Directorate General for Administration and Finance requesting for the payment of SSP 30,000,000 The Directorate General for Administration and Finance should never have indulged itself in this misuse of the public funds,” the CPA said.

CPA calls on the government of South Sudan to investigate and hold people accountable.

“The government of South Sudan should investigate and hold the people responsible accountable. Misuses of public money as shown by the Ministry of Finance and Planning are the very reasons why South Sudanese people’s rights to better healthcare, education and food among others are not fulfilled,” it added.

The group said government employees are public servants with a public mandate and “not under any circumstances supposed to use money meant for public services for private purposes.”

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