US embassy in Juba ‘concerned’ over increased intercommunal fighting

US Ambassador to South Sudan, Thomas Hushek, speaks at the US embassy, in Juba, South Sudan, on May 8, 2019. (Photo credit: Getty Images)

June 10, 2020 (SSNN) – The US embassy in South Sudan has urged the country’s transitional government of national unity to work in order to de-escalate ongoing intercommunal conflicts in several parts of the country.

The US call comes as several South Sudan states in both Upper Nile and Bahr el-Ghazal flung into intercommunal fighting most of which is caused by cattle raiding and revenge attacks.

Last month, fighting between Murle and the Lou-Nuer killed over three hundred (300) people and similar fighting has been taking place between Unity state and Warrap youth over cattle raiding.

In a statement this afternoon, the US embassy in Juba said it was concerned by the ongoing intercommunal violence in the country and urged the government of President Salva Kiir to take immediate steps to de-escalate tensions between ethnic communities.

“The Embassy of the United States of America is deeply concerned by the high level of violence that has plagued communities across South Sudan in recent months. If unaddressed, heightened violence risks the achievements of the peace agreement,” the statement seen by South Sudan News Now partly reads.

“We call on national and local leaders to urgently seek de-escalation and dialogue; these efforts must also reach affected communities,” the statement added.

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