Updated position of the SPLM-IO to enable the formation of unity government

Updated position of SPLM-IO/SPLA IO to enable the formation of the Revitalized Government National Unity at the end of the Extension of the Hundred Days.

Chairman of the SPLM-IO Dr. Riek Machar meets senior officials upon arrival in Juba (Photo: File)


February 4, 2020 (SSNN)—Since the signing of the Agreement on the Resolution of Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan R-ARCSS on September 12th 2018, implementation of the critical pre-transitional activities proved challenging due to delay in the disbursement of funds and lack of agreement on number of states and their boundaries. Based on RJMEC report and our own evaluation of progress of implementation process in the 100 days’ extension, it is clear that the training and deployment of the unified forces will not be realized on the specified timeline for the formation of R-TGONU which is due on 22nd February 2020. Cognizant of the stalemate in determination of the number of states and their boundaries and the delay in unification of forces, the SPLM/A(IO) proposes the following in order to maintain the momentum and to enable the formation of the R-TGONU in the specified timeline:

A) Security Arrangements

  1. Declaration of disposition of forces (current deployment) by all forces namely the SSPDF, SPLA IO and SSOA so as to allow the parties to workout a new deployment strategy and to identify areas where there is need to withdraw forces. The process of declaration of disposition of forces should be subject to verification by CTSAAMVM.

  2. The parties to agree on areas for UNMISS deployment either to replace forces withdrawn or new deployment, for example the Tiger unit deployed in the former Ministry of Wildlife opposite J1, western Yei, Maiwut, and areas along Nimule – Road;

  3. The collection of heavy and long range weapons in Juba and other major towns to be agreed by the parties. UNMISS to assist in the collection and storage of such weapons. The weapons should remain in the custody of UNMISS until such time that the unified forces are deployed;

4. The JMCC to manage both the barracks and cantonment sites;

  1. Declaration of all detention centers in the country operated by national security and military intelligence and any other force other then the police and this must be verified by CTSAAMVM;

  2. UNMISS to support the security mechanisms in the implementation process by availing its assets and capacity to the mechanisms, when requested;

  3. The IGAD countries namely Ethiopia, Djibouti, Kenya, Somalia, Sudan and Uganda to assist in the training of the unified forces;

  4. The Pre-Transitional security mechanisms namely the JDB, JTSC and JMCC to continue into the transition so that they shall continue the process of the implementation of security arrangements. This is necessary since the three standing forces each under its independent and separate command with own Commander in Chief shall continue to exist till the unification process is completed.

  5. Revamp and restructure the JDB to include the UNMISS Force Commander as a member to ensure coordination and efficient command and control of forces

  6. Revamp and restructure the JTSC to include a representative from each of the IGAD countries Ethiopia, Djibouti, Kenya, Somalia, Sudan and Uganda as members; and

  7. Establishment of a Joint Management Logistics Team to be responsible for logistics destined to training centres, barracks, and cantonment sites.

B) Number of States and boundaries

  1. All opposition parties endorsed the IBC report recommending return to 10 states. The Incumbent TGONU rejected the IBC report.

  2. On 2nd – 4th December 2019 consultation facilitated by the Deputy President of South Africa, all opposition parties compromised and recommended 23 states based on 1960 Rural Councils which have defined boundaries delineated on the map and demarcated on the ground but the incumbent TGONU rejected the compromise.

  3. Since the parties failed to reach an agreement on the number of states, the SPLM IO recommends a formation of an arbitration committee composed of the representatives of the C5, Troika and EU to determine the number of states and their boundaries.

  4. The committee shall make use of the data and the vast knowledge generated by the IBC, TBC, submission of the parties and minutes of the negotiations on the subject.

  5. The committee should complete its work within two weeks to allow time for the structuring of the Council of States before the dateline of the formation of R-TGONU.

  6. The committee shall be supported by a secretariat drawn from IGAD secretariat and R-JMEC secretariat.

  7. The C5 and IGAD AU shall enforce the decision of the arbitration committee.

C) None signatories

The dialogue between the incumbent government and SSOMA be expedited and concluded within one month to ensure that the permanent ceasefire is fully implemented in the whole country before the formation of R-TGONU in February 2020.

D) Pre-Transitional Activities:

  1. The pending pre-transitional activities shall be carried forward to the transitional period.
  2. The parties with the support of IGAD and R-JMEC to develop plans and a road map for the implementation of the remaining Pre-Transitional tasks.

E) Humanitarian Action

  1. The humanitarian situation is desperate in South Sudan and all the indicators are that the country will continue to be in need of humanitarian intervention for sometimes to come.

  2. The IO therefore propose a working group to develop strategies for a gradual move from humanitarian aid to building resilience and eventually move to development aid.

  3. Coordination on economic recovery activities and humanitarian activities especially those activities intended to reduce vulnerability amongst urban duelers and displaced populations.

F) Political Space

  1. The incumbent government to open political and civic space to allow for fundamental freedoms of expression, press and association;

  2. Allow parties, civil society organizations and community based organizations to operate freely.

  3. Equal access and use of the state media by all parties; and

  4. The National Security should not operate detention facilities and should only arrest in emergencies. Arrested persons should be handed over to the police.

G) Implementation Co-ordination Unit

  1. There shall be established an implementation coordination unit to oversee and monitor the implementation of the Agreement during the transitional period.

  2. The unit shall be chaired by the President and deputized by the First Vice President with membership of the four Vice Presidents.

  3. The unit shall draw from national and international experts to support the implementation.

  4. The Unit shall be supported by a secretariat.

H) The role of Special Envoys

The Special envoys shall continue to play a supporting role to the R-TGONU, the parties and the mechanisms namely R-JMEC, CTSAMVM and NCAC in the implementation of the Agreement and to continue to inform and advise the regional blocks and the international partners on the status of the implementation of the Agreement.

Part Two

1. Review of the Entebbe Tri-Partite Summit Agreement

Now that the 50th day of the 100 days’ extension has elapsed without any review, we call upon IGAD (guarantors) and the parties to undertake a mid-term review of the 1000 days’ extension to assess the status of the implementation of the pending critical pre-transitional tasks and to determine the way forward as stipulated in the 7th November 2019 Entebbe Tripartite Summit’s communique.

2. Status of the SPLM/A IO Chairman Dr. Riek Machar

IGAD must determine the status of the Chairman of the SPLM/A IO.

Sustainability of the Transitional Period

The IO proposal is intended to ensure sustainability and that the objective of the transition is achieved as well as to ensure full implementation of the Agreement.

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