UN threatens to impose sanctions on peace spoilers


South Sudan People’s Defense Forces alighting from a military-branded truck. (Photo:Supplied)

Nov 23rd, 2019 (SSNN)-Members of the United Nations Security Council on Friday issued a statement on South Sudan, threatening tougher measures against those whose actions undermine peace and stability in South Sudan.

“The members of the Security Council stressed that actions which threaten the peace, security, or stability of South Sudan may be subject to sanctions under resolutions 2206 (2015), 2290 (2016), 2353 (2017), 2428 (2018) and 2471 (2019).”

The members of the Security Council however, “reiterated their support for the people of South Sudan and reaffirmed their strong commitment to the sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity, and national unity of the Republic of South Sudan.”

The United Nations urged all armed groups in the country to desist from all forms of sexual and gender-based violence and expressed its grave concern for million of the population affected by the ongoing humanitarian situation aggravated by the floods.

“The members of the Security Council expressed concern at the dire humanitarian situation, which has been exacerbated by severe flooding, as well as the human rights and economic situation in South Sudan, and called on all parties to the Agreement and armed groups in South Sudan to cease all acts of sexual and gender-based violence, end the recruitment and use of child soldiers, killing and maiming or sexual violence against children, and to release all children that have been recruited to date.”

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