Troika welcomes formation of unity government, applauds IGAD’s efforts

Representatives of the Troika (the UK, the US and Norway) (Photo: Unknown)

February 24, 2020 (SSNN)—Troika countries, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Norway have issued a press release, congratulating South Sudan’s leaders on the formation of the national unity government that was announced on February 22.

“The Troika congratulates the people of South Sudan and the parties to the Revitalised Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan (R-ARCSS) on the announcement of the formation of an inclusive transitional government on February 22.”

The Troika applauded the South Sudanese parties for making the necessary concessions on the number and boundaries of states that eventually led to the formation of the coalition government.

“We welcome the fact that the government and opposition parties have made the necessary compromises to allow this important step.”

In order to fully achieve peace in South Sudan, the Western countries urged the government and the opposition to go the extra mile, demonstrate genuine political will, work collectively and allow citizens to exercise their rights.

“For the transitional period to be a success, a spirit of continuous collaboration, supported by the active, engaged, and free voices of citizens and civil society, must continue.”

The joint statement called on the country’s leaders to open a new chapter and embark on peace and unity.

“Nearly nine years since South Sudan’s independence, this is an opportunity for the political leadership to take their country forward towards prosperity and peace by making meaningful progress on security sector arrangements, the reform agenda, transitional justice and accountability, and preparations for credible and safe elections.”

The Troika acknowledged the pivotal role played by the East African regional body, IGAD in steering the country towards a lasting peace.

“The Troika commends the work of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) as a guarantor of the R-ARCSS.”

The group pledged its commitment to support the people of South Sudan in their quest for a permanent peace in the country.

“We are committed to working with the new transitional government, IGAD, and other regional and international partners to support the people of South Sudan in their pursuit of peace and stability.”

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