Troika urges Parties to address outstanding issues, rejects non-inclusive R-TGNoNU

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo (Photo: US State Department)

February 12, 2020 (SSNN)—The members of the troika (Norway, the United Kingdom and the United States) have issued a new statement on the status of the implementation of the agreement , urging the Parties to resolve pending issues before the formation of the Revitalized Transitional Government of National Unity.

“Compromise Essential to Timely Formation of South Sudan’s Revitalized Transitional Government of National Unity.”

“On February 8, Intergovernmental Authority on Development leaders met during the African Union summit to discuss the peace process in South Sudan. The Troika recognizes the serious efforts that the region has taken to unblock the current impasse and shares its frustration at the lack of progress,” stressed the statement issued jointly by the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Kingdom of Norway.

The Troika underlines that while the Parties left with a few days toward forming a unity government, it is essential that the government and the opposition reach a compromise on contentious issues.

“With few days remaining until a power sharing government is due to form, time has almost run out. We encourage all parties to exercise the spirit of political compromise at the heart of the Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan (R-ARCSS) in these final days.”

“We urge the government of South Sudan and all opposition parties to work together to resolve issues blocking the formation of an inclusive national unity government by the February 22 deadline.”

The statement unreservedly clarified that the upcoming national unity government must be fully inclusive as stipulated in the agreement and will not be formed on a non-comprehensive basis.

“A credible unity government needs to be inclusive as specified in the R-ARCSS and cannot be formed on the basis of unilateral action. Specifically, we encourage all sides, including the government, to reach consensus on a way forward on the number of states.
The group stresses that the formation of a partial unity government will go against the aspirations of citizens and jeopardize the existing permanent ceasefire.

“Refusing to compromise and move forward undermines the agreement, risks the ceasefire, and erodes the trust of the public and the confidence of partners.”

“During this critical time, we urge all parties to continue to uphold and publicly commit to the permanent ceasefire, to instruct their forces to exercise restraint, and to avoid inflammatory statements.”

The Troika stated that it’s of the essence for the parties to maintain their commitment and avoid scenarios that would plunge the country into violence.

“It is of fundamental importance to avoid a return to armed conflict with devastating consequences for the people of South Sudan and for the region as a whole.”

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