Sudan’s security forces capture Boko Haram terrorists in Sudanese territory


Google Map Features Sudan’s different states (Photo: unknown)

Dec 6th, 2019 (SSNN)-The Sudanese Armed Forces said on Thursday that its intelligence personnel had arrested about six suspected terrorists from the Boko Haram group,
a jihadist Islamist rebel group that has terrorized Nigeria for more than a decade since 2009.

“Sudanese army intelligence captured six members of the Boko Horam terrorist group inside Sudanese territory,” the army said in a statement.

The military spokesperson of the Sudanese Armed Forces said that the arrested suspects were Chadian nationals, however given the existing agreement between Chad and Sudan, the authorities decided to release them on this basis in respect of the deal between the two countries.

“They are Chadian nationals and since there is a security agreement between the two countries, Sudanese authorities handed them to Chadian authorities.”

This is the first time that the Sudanese authorities have publicly announced the arrest of terrorists in Sudanese territory.

In 2008, former Sudanese President Omar Hassan Al-bashir and Chadian leader signed a Non-aggression Agreement, a deal aimed at ending cross-border related issues between the two countries.

Since its inception in 2009, the Boko Haram group has been engaged in insurgency activities in various parts of northeastern Nigeria, killing, maiming and displacing the civilian population from their homes.

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