Sudan’s protest group suspends talk with military over failure to meet demands

Associated Press file: Mohamed al-Amin Abdel Aziz, Spokesman for the protest organizing group, SPA, speaking to thousands of protesters on Sunday in Khartoum.
April 22nd 2019 (SSNN) – Sudan’s protest organizer, the Sudanese Professionals Association (SPA), on Sunday announced that it has suspended talks with the military over its failure to meet the protesters’ demands including handing over the government to the Sudanese people.
Speaking during a rally at the centre of protest sit-in in front of the General Heaquaters of the Sudanese Armd Forces (SAF), Mohammed al-Amin Abdel Aziz, a spokesman for the SPA, said Sunday that the political committee of the military council is too close to al-Bashir, who has been jailed in the capital, Khartoum, since his ouster and subsequent arrest more than a week ago.
“The military council is delaying its response to our proposals, saying that they are considering proposals from all political forces,” he said.
“We call for escalating and continuing the demonstrations until the demands are met,” he said.
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