Sudanese army statement delayed over who can lead transitional council

File: Sudanese President Omar Al-Bashir
April 11th 2019 (SSNN) – The Sudanese army has delayed issuing a statement it early said would be in the following movements, sources said.
The delayment, one source said, Ā is attributed to disagreement within the army leadership over who can lead the military council until elections.
“Now there are understandings over who can lead this transition. Some people within the army are opposed to FVP[First Vice President] takeover and other agree and this is causing a concern,” one source told the South Sudan News Now.
Another source said there is concern that most army leadership from the states are yet to announce their support for the army takeover which the army fear may lead to chaos in case it announced the takeover.
“Army leadership in the states are not decided yet whether to agree and support the army decision to takeover from al Bashir,” the source said.
There are also unconfirmed reports that the Sudanese First Vice-President President who is also the Defense Minister is being detained at the Sudan TV station following an attempt to announce ouster of al Bashir.
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