Sub-chief killed, several others wounded as Murle youth attacked Akobo


Akobo town also called Greentown (Photo: File)

February 4th, 2020 (SSNN)—At least 3 people, including a sub-chief, have been killed and several others seriously injured, after armed men from the Murle community launched another attack in Akobo on Monday, according to the Office of the Lou Nuer Youth Association for Development.

“The leadership of Lou Nuer Youth Association for Development (NYAD) condemn[s] in the strongest term possible the killings and abduction of our children and women which have been happening since 1947 up to date,”
said Kulong Mai Garang, Secretary for Information, Lou Nuer Youth Association for Development.

“The attack carried out by the Murle youth on 3d of Feb, 2020 in Akobo County which resulted in the killing of the local Sub-chief, Rial Biel and three other innocent civilians. Last year 2019, armed groups from the Murle carried out several attacks in Greater Lou Nuer which composed of Akobo, Nyirol and Uror county (ies) in which they abducted a good number of children, killed innocent civilians including women and raided more than two thousands herds of cattle.

The youth group sent its heartfelt condolences to the families of those who lost their lives during the attack and urged the authorities in the Pibor administrative region to hold those perpetrators accountable.

“We send our heartfelt condolence to the immediate families, who lost their loved ones in the attack, and we therefore urge the Greater Pibor Administration to give peace a chance and engage the local youth leaders on peace building and to put this frequent attacked to an end through an amicable solution.

South Sudanese citizens are still highly armed as a result of the conflict and various rebellions in the country.

Last year, a group of gunmen from the Murle community launched a deadly attack on the Lou Nuer’s villages killing five people and wounding dozens others.

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