SPLM-IO holds meeting on pending issues, accepts formation of unity government

South Sudan's main armed opposition leader, Dr. Riek Machar Teny (Photo: Supplied)

South Sudan’s main armed opposition leader, Dr. Riek Machar Teny (Photo: Supplied)

January 21st, 2020 (SSNN)—The leadership of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-IO (SPLM-IO) on Monday held a meeting on contentious Pre-transitional Tasks, hampering the formation of the Transitional Government of National Unity.

Manawa Peter Gatkuoth, Deputy Chairman, SPLM(IO) National Committee for Information and Public Relations said that the leadership of the SPLM-IO had agreed and fully endorsed the formation of a Transitional Government of National Unity by February 22 as agreed by the parties in Kampala, Uganda.

“The SPLM/SPLA (IO) held in Juba, South Sudan, a meeting under Chairman and Commander-in-Chief af SPLM/SPLA(IO) and the First Vice President Designate of the Republic of South Sudan, Dr. Riek Machar Teny-Dhurgon. The meeting deliberated on the implementation of security arrangements and the challenges associated with the determination of the number of states and their boundaries. The meeting endorsed the SPLM/SPLA(I0) position to enable the formation of the Revitalized Government of National Unity (R-TGONU) at the end of the extension of the 100 days presented to Special Envoys and President Salva Kiir Mayardit on 15h January 2020,” the opposition’s top official said on Monday.

Manawa explained that the meeting chaired by the head of the SPLM-IO, Dr. Riek Machar received reports from implementation mechanisms on the progress made in the implementation of the peace agreement.

“The meeting also listened to the reports of the various peace implementation mechanisms on the progress and challenges facing the implementation of the critical pending pre- transitional tasks during the 69 days of the extended 100 days of the pre-transitional period of the R-ARCSS. The meeting reviewed and evaluated the tasks done during the 69 days of the 100 days per the communique of the 7″ November 2019 Tripartite Summit on the R- ARCSS in Entebbe, Uganda and the resolution of the IGAD Council of Ministers on the 10th November 2019 endorsing the 100 days’ extension.The review and evaluation is important as the parties and IGAD need to agree on the way forward in the implementation of the Agreement.”

The opposition group urged the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) to review progress made so far since the extension of the pre-transitional period.

“In the light of the above, the SPLM/SPLA(I0) calls upon IGAD to urgently initiate the process of the evaluation of the elapsed period of the 100 days’ extension. Finally, the SPLM/SPLA(IO) reiterates its full commitment to the implementation of the R- ARCSS in letter and spirit.”

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