South Sudan News: Deputy Minister of Interior Fights For IDPs and Refugees To Remain in UNMISS, PoCs and Refugee Camps

South Sudan's Deputy Minister of Interior, Mabior Garang de Mabior, speaks at a radio station in 2016(Photo credit: unidentified)

South Sudan’s Deputy Minister of Interior, Mabior Garang de Mabior, speaks at a radio station in 2016(Photo credit: unidentified)

April 12, 2020(SSNN) — South Sudan’s deputy Minister of Interior, Hon. Mabior Garang de Mabior, urges his fellow politicians not to politicize residency of the internally displaced persons(IDPs) at their current UN-based protection sites in pretext of fighting for their health and safety from the Coronavirus.

Hon. Mabior warns that COVID-19 is a Global Pandemic that people should take more serious precautions than what is already in place but he warns “dark forces” not to politicize the global health crisis for their own personal gains.

“And though Covid.19 is a real existential threat and we must take it more seriously than we currently are, we should not allow any dark forces to politicise this global pandemic in order to further their objectives.” Hon. Mabior, the Deputy Minister of Interior, said.

Garang argues that the UN Mission in South Sudan is in a better position to care for the IDPs like they have done for almost 7 years and warns that any attempt to dismantle the camps would be a bad idea.

The UNMISS is better informed and better equipped to handle the crisis within the camps – dismantling the camps would be a bad idea. The UN is not our enemy, they have been the only lifeline for our peoples’ for the entire duration of the history of our nascent Republic.” Mabior continued.

Mabior reminds the “forgotten” populations within the IDPs protection sites and in the refugee camps that they should resist any attempt to “weaponize” the global pandemic by the “traditional elites” to achieve their interests.

“The South Sudanese civil population displaced and forgotten in the refugee camps in neighboring countries and within the country, have emerged as the strongest political force and should not allow this global pandemic to be weaponized against us by the traditional elite.” The son of former SPLM/A Chairman said.

Mabior calls on the IDPs to follow the preventive measures directed by the World Health Organization (WHO) and continue to put more pressure on the R-TGONU to implement the peace agreement that he believes is not being implemented.

“Our people should follow the directives of the WHO and continue to put pressure on the R-TGONU to do the right thing not only regarding implementation of the Agreement, but even with regard to this new threat.” Hon. Mabior said.

“Any responsible citizen who has read the Agreement, knows that not a single provision of the Agreement has been implemented. In fact, the Agreement is being dismantled before our eyes – especially Security Arrangements – and we are helpless to stop it – in fear of losing our brand new jobs” He continued.

Hon. Mabior urges the IDPs and civil population that the future of struggle for fundamental change is now left in the hands of civil populations as he regrettably believes that the SPLM/A-IO and other oppositions have now become part of the oppressive regime.

“The future of our peoples’ struggle for fundamental change is now in the hands of our civil population. We; the so-called “politicians” have been compromised, we have become part of the oppressive system. It is only through “people power”, our struggle still has a chance to be carried out to its logical conclusion.” Mabior said.

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