Salva Kiir and Akol Khor Empowering Changson Lew Chang to Cause Disaster in Gajaak Land

Confidential Report;
Gen. Ochan Puot and Bol Rom traveling to Juba to declare the new allegance to Salva Kiir(Photo credit: file)

Gen. Ochan Puot and Bol Rom traveling to Juba to declare the new allegance to Salva Kiir(Photo credit: file)

In the first five to six years, millions of civilians have been displaced and thousands others killed. Political will remains challenging for the leaders to converge and iron-out their differences to ease political tension between themselves. Recent developments revealed a classified information and a deadly deal between the current Director of the Internal Security and Hon. Changson Lew Chang.

General Akol was authorized by President Salva Kiir to use every tools at his disposal to create a chaotic environment in the opposition territories and to make this move successful, He had to use Hon. Changson L. Cang to be the architect for the violence in SPLM IO liberated areas. The leaked reports revealed Gen. Akol involvement in various deals since the arrival of Changson in Juba city, late last year. General Akol Koor encourages few relatives of Changson to used government territory in Nasir as a base for Mobilization and recruitment directly from IO.

With the pockets forces of Changson stationed in Nasir, the intelligence reports also confirmed that the murderous General has been advising the team to instigate insecurity and tension in greater Gatjiok Land. e.g Nasir, Ulang, Mandeng among other areas. The secret behind all these evil activities is to create more confusion that would lead to more break aways and possibly cause fighting amidst the forces under the control of Dr. Machar.

And that was why, Gen. Akol  Koor, three months ago sent an exact total of one hundred guns mostly AK – 47 and few machine guns i. e PKM & RPG which were to be distributed amongst the forces of Changson but unfortunately the team that was sent for verification to Nasir, found out that  the number of the troops was actually less than the  fabricated list that was presented to Gen. Akol while in Juba. Only ten soldiers which is equal to a squad which were present at barack.

So, Gen. Akol Koor thought of  a better way to coordinate things with Gen. Ochan Puot who broke away in Maiwut last month from SPLM – IO. The Chief of National Security – Internal Branch Gen. Akol Koor have seriously advised Gen. Ochan Puot to join the group of Changson in order to make the operation easy in Jikany Land and to conceal or cover the new covenant between the Government and commander Ochan who has been advised by WADU  to never think of taking them to Dinka Government. That mean Ochan is lying to WADU.

Another confidential information is that Gen. Ochan Puot received a huge amount of money from his clan men (Cie-Wau) in abroad and another money was directly contributed from Juba through facilitation of Gen. Akol Koor himself. That money will be use to purchase more ammunitions from Oromo rebels of Ethiopia for immediate use.

For that matter, Gen. Ochan Puot delegated two trusted representatives to Juba City

Brigadier General Pal Tut Kot and Brig. General Gew Muonylang to coordinate all the activities necessary for his newly created faction WADU. On reaching to Juba, the two guys were advised by the government through Gen. Akol Koor bodyguard (name withheld) who met them secretly that they should not by any means liaise with the government directly. They were told to do so in order to confuse the situation because the WADU group refused to join Kiir but Akol Koor was smart enough to play it along with them by attaching their files with that of Changson Lew whom they already trusted.

Now, it’s clear that Hon. Changson Chang have secured the support of the government and that was the reason why the government refused to recognized the recent election conducted by the members of SSOA in Juba. Moreover, the government directed the Director General of South Sudan Broadcasting Cooperation not to televise the election process through SSBC, that alone entails their full stance behind Hon. Changson faction who vows to do whatever it’s takes to cause more divisions among the South Sudan Opposition Alliance factions (SSOA) Remember the Election of South Sudan Opposition Alliance was conducted and it was witnessed by IGAD, RJMEC,  IG, DIPLOMATIC COMMUNITY, CHANGSON’S GROUP REFUSED TO Participate yet the government refused to comment. What is behind their refusal?

The worse part of this deal is that Gen. Akol Koor have already delivered two APC Armour Carriers (Ulits) to the ground on 16, 17 of September respectively as you read this message. He also directed the Ammunitions to be airlifted yesterday to Nasir which have  succeeded as you continue reading. The government are preparing to employ the similar strategies which they used in Maiwut. This behavior will automatically jeopardize the implementation of the R-ARCISS if nothing is done about it.

On the occasion of  J1 (State House) prayer event.

Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit, President of Republic of South Sudan surprise his audiences by spitting venom that will surely implicate the security arrangements and probably the formation of R-TGoNU.

He mentioned the following scary statements;

  1. President Salva said ” If SPLM IO will not cooperate, His faction and others opposition parties will go ahead and form the R-TGoNU without SPLM IO. You can anticipate the outcome of such decisions. Won’t you?
  2. Recently, 37 million dollars which were meant for peace implementation were distributed by the elites amongst themselves without the knowledge of the Presidential advisor for Security Hon. Tut Kew Gatluak who double up as the head of National Pre-Transitional Committee (NPTC). When he later on got the news, he when directly to J1 to find out whether he can also get his share of the loots , but to his surprised, he was told that there is nothing left for him. So he returned to his house wearing a long face.
  3. During their meeting in Khartoum, President Gen.Salva Kiir Mayardit and Dr They agreed that the oil money will be use to fund the peace implementation and as it is stipulated in Chapter one of the agreement, President Salva during the face to face meeting announced that means to fund the peace implementation will be employ immediately directing all the bodies concern to do the need be asap. But, the current development shows that the President have had a change of heart. That’s mean R-ARCISS will face difficulty in carrying out the necessary steps for security arrangements. There is completely ill intention or lack of political will.
  4. The president made it clear in the presence of those who came to pray in J1 that the notorious gangs called” unknown Gunmen ” have returned to do their activities. The announcement didn’t only sent fear to his political rivals but creates mixed feelings and lot of interpretations. What made him say that is a little assignment for all of us  to do..
  5. H.E President Salva Kiir Mayardit also called for  the recognition of the importance role played by the men of God (pastors) and the spiritual leaders (Men possess by black magic) in the country for they have all contributed equally. That again turned the congregation to wondered the most.
  6. Another leaked said that Gen. Jok Riak Chair of JDB, has been pocketing a lot of money meant for security arrangements.
  7. President Salva Kiir before he concluded the prayers reminded the people about the holes on the J1 fence and why the fence hasn’t been renovated, he said the reason is that there’re some people who’s their wounds are still fresh. So the fence has to remain that way until the wounds completely got healed.
  8. Another leaked said that Gen. Jok Riak Chair of JDB, has been pocketing a lot of money meant for security arrangements

Those are the issues of importance that deserve to be brought to public for consumption. This peace is not healthy and the government is not genuine or happy about it. So I leave it up to everyone to judge it.

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