S. Sudan advocacy group condemns renewal of fighting in Central Equatoria

A group of SPLA soldiers in South Sudan’s Central Equatoria states [Source unknown)

May 7, 2020 (SSNN) — A South Sudan rights group has condemned the ongoing renewal of fighting in the country’s Central Equatoria state urging the parties to find a peaceful mean of resolving their disputes.

This comes after reports that the South Sudan People’s Defense Forces (SSPDF) and SPLA-IO launched fresh attacks against holdout opposition groups in parts of Central Equatoria states.

“The Centre for Peace and Advocacy (CPA) condemns and denounces the use of military- oriented solutions and urges the conflicting parties to promote peace through negotiated solutions rather than guns,” the CPA said in a statement extended to South Sudan News Now (SSNN).

“It is therefore incumbent upon the conflicting parties to uphold the highest moral standards in regards to the respect and promotion of human rights,” it added pointing our that the latest reports of fighting “will only worsen the already dire situation of the civilians in South Sudan.”

“The Center for Peace and Advocacy (CPA) would therefore like the conflicting parties to show and exercise maximum restraint and cease hostilities.

“Let the focus be on fighting the global pandemic in the item of COVID-19 that has caused thousands of lives and infected millions globally.”

The statement further urged the the IGAD, AU and International Community as well as peace monitors “not take their eyes off these violations. These clashes must be investigated thoroughly and hold whoever is responsible accountable.”

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