RJMEC supports R-ARCSS dissemination training for South Sudan teachers

South Sudanese teachers receivingcertificates after training in South Sudan(Photo credit: supplied)

South Sudanese teachers receivingcertificates after training in South Sudan(Photo credit: supplied)

The Reconstituted Joint Monitoring and Evaluation (RJMEC) in collaboration with Hold the Child Organization have convened a two-day workshop aimed at orientating primary and secondary school teachers on the Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan (R-ARCSS).

While officially opening the workshop in Juba on Thursday, RJMEC Deputy of Staff in charge of Strategy, Dr. Thomson Fontaine, said that the revitalized Agreement provides an opportunity for the country to emerge from years of war.

“It is encouraging to see that since the signing of the Agreement in September 2018, though the progress is slow, the permanent ceasefire has held across the country and strides made in its implementation,” he added.

The workshop under the theme ‘The peace we have, the peace we share’ brought together 90 teachers representing various schools in South Sudan.

Dr. Fontaine said RJMEC will continue to encourage the South Sudanese political actors with the support of the region and the international community, to put an end to the conflict and lay the foundation for peace in the Republic of South Sudan.

While encouraging the teachers to play a part in contributing towards sustainable peace in the country, Dr. Fontaine said:

“Your privileged position as teachers and mentors of the future generation, gives you the power to disseminate the objective of the peace Agreement and to rally the South Sudanese society to support the Agreement.”

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