RJMEC Chairperson, Ambassador Berhanu Kebede speaks during a plenary meeting in Juba, South Sudan(Photo credit: JMEC/ssnewsnow)

RJMEC Chairperson, Ambassador Berhanu Kebede speaks during a plenary meeting in Juba, South Sudan(Photo credit: JMEC/ssnewsnow)

Thursday, August 1, 2019(Juba) — At the RJMEC monthly meeting, held in Juba on Thursday, 1 August 2019, Ambassador Lt. Gen. Njoroge, the Interim Chairperson of the Reconsituted Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Commission (RJMEC), updated the particpants on the progress of cantonment. He said: “CTSAMVM has reported that the majority of the designated sites and barracks have been verified. The JDB issued orders for all forces to move to the designated cantonment sites and barracks by 31 July 2019.”

However, he stressed cantonment’s overall importance to the formation of the Revitalised Government, and he made it clear that more work was necessary in order to operationalize the cantonment sites.

Amb. Lt. Gen. Njoroge also told the meeting that “one of the key factors influencing the rate of implementation of the critical pending Pre-Transitional tasks is funding,” and he urged that the Government follows through on its pledge of US$ 100 million for implementation, and “continues its disbursement in a predictable and timely manner.” Alluding to the slow pace of implementation and the lack of funds, he added: “Time is fast running out and a lot still remains to be done.”

Finally, referring to his recent visits to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, to brief the Chairman of the IGAD Council of Ministers, Amb. Lt. Gen. Njoroge, informed the meeting that he has received assurances from the Council’s Chairperson that he will act on his recommendations.

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