‘Revert to 10 states,’ civil society group urges Parties

Press Release,

The South Sudan Civil Society Forum strongly recommends reverting to ten states as a solution to the deadlock on the number of states.

February 14, 2020 (SSNN)—The South Sudan Civil Society Forum calls on parties to the Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in South Sudan (R-ARCSS) to revert back to ten states as a transitional solution to the deadlock on the number of states.

This recommendation is in line with the number of states as per the provisions contained in the transitional constitution of the Republic of South Sudan 2011, (which South Sudan had at independence) clause 162. (1) which states that “The territory of South Sudan is composed of ten states governed on the basis of decentralization.”

Looking at the enthusiasm and expressions of all the parties and citizens on this matter, we recognize that resolving the issue of the number of states is indeed important but it is equally undisputable that the vast majority of the people of South Sudan need peace as a practical matter of urgency. Certainly, a peaceful South Sudan will provide the requisite conducive environment to deliberate on and sustainably resolve the issue of the number of states.

Moreover, we consider that determining the number of states requires meaningful consultation and consensus among the South Sudanese people. We believe that the constitution making process as provided for under chapter VI of the R-ARCSS, 6.1 and agreed principles under clause 6.2, will provide that sufficient opportunity. Therefore, we urge the parties to not allow the peace agreement to collapse just because of dispute on the number of states. In this regard, we urge all parties to adopt ten states as a transitional measure to give way for smooth commencement of the transitional period.

We call upon the leaders of all the parties to the R-ARCSS including non-signatories to explain to their supporters that this compromise is necessary to save the peace agreement and allow for progress in implementation. We also urge the wider citizenry of South Sudan to support these leaders to adopt 10 states. This decision will indeed give back to citizens their naturally deserved right to make the decision on the long term number of states.

We also urge IGAD, the AU and the wider international community to support the parties to reach a consensus to adopt 10 states. Additionally we encourage and call for sustained efforts of mediators to bring on board non-signatories to the R-ARCSS such that the peace process is fully inclusive.


For more information or arrange for interviews reach the forum via the following contacts: E-mail: csoforum.southsudan@gmail.com

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