Resolution of the RJMEC: The 7th RJMEC Meeting

Palm Africa Hotel,

18th June 2019,

Juba, South Sudan

RJMEC Interim Chairperson H.E Ambassador Lt. Gen. Augostino Njoroge (Centre). With him are Chief of Staff Amb. Berhanu Kebede (right) and Deputy Chief of Staff (Strategy), Dr. Thomson Fontaine.(Photo credit: RJMEC/SSNN)

RJMEC Interim Chairperson H.E Ambassador Lt. Gen. Augostino Njoroge (Centre). With him are Chief of Staff Amb. Berhanu Kebede (right) and Deputy Chief of Staff (Strategy), Dr. Thomson Fontaine.(Photo credit: RJMEC/SSNN)

June 19th, 2019(SSNN) — The 7th meeting of the Reconstituted Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Commission (RJMEC) convened in Juba, South Sudan, on 18th June 2019 chaired by the Interim Chairperson of the RJMEC, Ambassador Lt. General Augostino S.K Njoroge (Rtd).

In attendance were the representatives of all the Parties and stakeholders in RJMEC namely:

For the Parties to the R-ARCSS:

  1. Hon. Dr. Martin Elia Lomuro (Incumbent TGoNU)
  2. Hon. Michael Makuei Lueth (Incumbent TGoNU)
  3. Hon. Sophia Pal Gai (Incumbent TGoNU)
  4. Amb. Stephen Par Kuol (SPLM/A-IO)
  5. Mrs. Sandra Bona Malwal (SPLM/A-IO)
  6. Hon. Josephine Lagu Yanga (SSOA)
  7. Mr. Isaiah Hakim Garang (FDs)
  8. Hon Wilson Lodiong Sebit (OPP)

For the Other South Sudanese Stakeholders and Adherents

  1. Rev. John Okumu Hakim Primon (Faith-based leader)
  2. Mr. Mohamed El-Hassan Abdel Meragan (Faith based leaders)
  3. Ms. Mary Akech Bior (Women’s Bloc)
  4. Ms. Rita Lopidia (Women Coalition)
  5. Sheik Vitale Aligo Samson (CSO Alliance)
  6. Mr. Rajab Mohandis (CSO Forum)
  7. Mr. Simon Akuei Deng (Business Community) 
  8. Mrs. Yar Manoa Majok (Business Community)
  9. Dr. Angelina Bazugba (Academia)
  10. Mr. Malish John Peter (Youth).
  11. Ms. Caroline Kibos (Youth)

For the Regional Guarantors

  1. H.E. Teferi Taddesse Heigyane (Ethiopia)
  2. Mr. Ali Mambo (Kenya)
  3. H.E. Hussein Haji Ahmed (Somalia)
  4. H.E. Adil Ibrahim Mustafa (Sudan)
  5. Mr. Agama W. Anthony (Uganda)
  6. Mr. Sunday Edmund (Nigeria) 
  7. H.E. Gordon M. Yekelo (South Africa)
  8. Amb. Prof. Joram M. Biswaro (AUMISS)
  9. Dr. Philip Mwanika (IGAD Juba Liaison Office)

For International Partners and Friends of South Sudan

  1. H.E. Hua Ning (China)
  2. H.E. Lars Andersen (Norway)
  3. Mr. Timothy Timmons (USA)
  4. Mr. Moustapha Soumare (UNMISS)
  5. H.E. Sinead Walsh (EU)
  6. H.E. Janet Alberda (IPF)

For RJMEC Secretariat

  1. Ambassador Berhanu Kebede, Chief of Staff – RJMEC
  2. Dr. Thomson Fontaine, Deputy Chief of Staff (Strategy) – RJMEC
  3. Mr. Stephen Oola, Legal and Constitution – RJMEC

For the Agreement Institutions and Mechanisms

  1. Hon. Gabriel Changson, Deputy Chairperson NPTC
  2. Mr. Geoffrey Gichira Kibara, Chairperson – NCAC
  3. Maj. Gen. Desta Abiche Ageno, Chairperson – CTSAMVM
  4. Gen. Gabriel Jok Riak Makol, Chairperson – JDB
  5. Mr. Kanybil Noon, Member SDSR – Board
  6. Cdr. Dr. Olaw Adieng , Head of JTSC Secretariat 
  7. Lt. Gen. Charles Madut Akol, Chairperson JMCC


  1. H.E. Dr. Ahmed Bahaa Eldin (Egypt)
  2. Ms. Funmi Balogun (UNWomen)
  3.  H.E. Seiji Okada (Japan)

The 7th RJMEC meeting considered the following agenda items:

  1. a) Statement by RJMEC Interim Chairperson; b) Report from the National Pre-Transitional Committee (NPTC); c) The minutes of the last meeting; d) Briefing from the UNMISS SRSG;
  2. e) Reports from Agreement institutions and mechanisms (NCAC, CTSAMVM,

JDB, SDSR Board, JTSC and JMCC); f) Date of the next RJMEC meeting.

Following the statement by the Interim Chairperson, briefing by UNMISS SRSG, and after considering the reports from the NPTC, CTSAMVM, NCAC, JDB, SDSR Board, JTSC and JMCC, the RJMEC resolved as follows:

  1. Adopted the minutes of the 6th RJMEC meeting held in Juba, South Sudan on 29th May 2019 with amendments;
  1. Welcomed the recommendations contained in the statement of the RJMEC Interim Chairperson, H.E Lt. Gen. Augostino S.K Njoroge (Rtd) especially on the need to expedite implementation of pending tasks and need for continued joint confidence building measures at all levels, as well as his assessment on the status of the implementation of the pending Pre-Transitional tasks;
  2. Took note of the reports of the NPTC as presented by the Deputy Chairperson Hon. Gabriel Changson Change and encourged the NPTC to include other stakeholders in its mechanisms and activities;
  3. Thanked the UNMISS Deputy SRSG Mr. Moustapha Soumare for his briefing and the Chairpersons of the NCAC, CTSAMVM, JDB, SDSR Board, JTSC and JMCC for their reports, and appreciated all the institutions and mechanisms of the Agreement who submitted their reports in advance;
  4. Welcomed the progress that have been made by the various institutions and mechanisms as reported, commended the leadership of these mechanisms and urged them to expedite implementation of all pending tasks. In this regard it appealed to the incumbent TGoNU and all partners to avail the necessary resources to the various institutions and mechanisms of the Agreement;
  5. Encouraged by the report of UNMISS that it facilitated two groups of IDPs from the Protection of Civilians (PoC) sites in Juba to return home voluntarily due to the generally improved security in most parts of the country. In this regard, it appealed to the Parties to continue working tirelessly to further improve the security situation in the country and to take steps to encourage more voluntary and dignified returns of refugees and IDPs;
  6. Expressed appreciation to the AU C5 ambassadors in Addis for their willingness to provide in-kind support to the security mechanisms to facilitate cantonment of forces, and requested the IGAD Special Envoy for South Sudan and his office to focus on mobilizing the necessary political and other support to the implementation of the R-ARCSS;
  7. Requested urgent clarification by the IGAD Special Envoy for South Sudan on the procedure being followed in the reconstitution of the Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) Commission and called for an urgent meeting between the NPTC and IGAD Special Envoy on this matter;
  8. Took note of the CTSAMVM report that twenty (20) civilian centers have been demilitarized seventy (17) by SSPDF and three (03) by SPLM/A-IO and urged the Parties to vacate all the remaining fifty-four (54) documented occupied properties without further delay;
  9. Noted with concern the delayed opening of the designated cantonment sites and urged the JDB and JMCC to take all necessary steps to ensure that cantonnment sites are openned, and that all forces report to the designated sites or barracks. In this regard, it urged the NPTC to avail the requisite resources to the security mechanisms without delay;
  10. Called upon all Parties to step up joint confidence building measures, from the highest politicl level to the grassroots. In this regard, it appealed to all the Parties to the Agreement to provide the necessary space for civil society and facilitate their efforts to contribute to peace;
  11. Commended the Judiciary of South Sudan in its efforts to establish an SGBV Court and also the SSPDF for its adoption of an Action Plan to eradicate SGBV by its forces, and in this regard, it urged all Parties to take steps to eradicate SGBV in their areas of responsibilty and enhance the protection and safety of civilians, especially women and girls in areas under their control.
  12. It further encouraged the Parties to continue with accountability measures for those found culpable of SGBV violations and to explore partnership with civil society actors in the implementation of their action plans in this regard;
  13. Took note of the concern raised by the Incumbent TGoNU on the participation of some members of the international community who have not signed the Agreement, in the meetings of RJMEC and other institutions and mechanisms of the Agreement and the RJMEC Interim Chairperson resolved to bring this matter to the attention of the IGAD Special Envoy for South Sudan.
  1. Endorsed the new work schedule of the NCAC as approved by the Interim Chairperson and commended the members for the progress made so far.
  1. Acknowledged that the general security situation remains stable in most parts of the country, with all Parties adhering to the permanent ceasefire. In this regard it further expressed concerns over the ongoing activities of NAS forces allied to Gen Thomas Cirilo, a non-adherent to the R-ARCSS, in and around the Yei River area;
  2. Appealed to the IGAD Council of Ministers to follow through and implement all their decisions and commitments made at its 67th meeting in Juba with regard to the situation in the Republic of South Sudan and implementation of the R-ARCSS;
  3. Agreed that the date for the next regular RJMEC meeting shall be July 24th 2019; and
  1. Decided to remain seized of all RJMEC matters.

End –

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