Residents call for urgent intervention as river flooding submerges villages in opposition-held Sobat State

One of the villages affected by river flooding in opposition-held Sobat State (File/Supplied/SSNN)

Oct 13th, 2019 (SSNN)-Residents of opposition-controlled Sobate State are calling on humanitarian agencies to step up rescue operations to help evacuate people caught in flash floods as river flooding continues to inundate more than ten villages situated along the Sobat River.

“There is no way out, people are stuck in the water here, and the river is still flooding everywhere,” said one resident, who spoke to the press on condition of anonymity. “We are calling on all aid agencies to immediately intervention,” the resident added.

Peter Gatwech Char, a community elder, expressed his concern and urged aid agencies to intervene urgently and make evacuation efforts in the flooded areas.

“It is very sad and terrible to see this flood that took everything and left people helpless, my petition and prayer is that humanitarian agencies must respond positively to help evacuate these people,” he said.

Some of the areas most affected by the submerging floods are: Makak, Bany-tik, Nyakang, Jik-mir, Maker, Nor, Nyariew, and Mandeng.

Opposition-held Sobat State, formerly known as Nassir – is a town located in the country’s Greater Upper Nile region, situated on the north side of the Sobat River about 40 Kilometers from the Ethiopian border.

South Sudan descended into civil war in 2013, the war has killed thousands of people and driven millions from their homes.

In September last year, the Parties signed a peace agreement, aimed at ending half of a decade of conflict in the country.

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