“Reduction of 32 states will be catastrophic,” governors draw red line

South Sudan’s map featuring 32 states created by President Salva Kiir Mayardit (Photo: File)

February 12, 2020 (SSNN)—South Sudan’s governors of 32 states + Abyei have issued a strongly worded statement, warning that any attempts to cancel or reduce the current 32 states + Abyei could be a recipe for disaster, and potentially plunge the country into another conflict.

“In response to the Communiqué of 34TH Extraordinary Summit of IGAD Heads of State and Government held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on the 9th February 2020; and which discussed the Status of implementation of the Revitalized Agreement on the Resolutions of the Conflict in South Sudan. Whereas we the Governors of the 32 States plus Abyei continue to reiterate our sincere support to H.E. the President of the Republic of South Sudan for implementation of the revitalized Peace Agreement in order to bring about lasting peace in our Country South Sudan.”

“Grateful to the IGAD Heads of State and Government for their Communiqué issued on the 9th February which in item 5 of the Communiqué recognized that the issues of the boundaries and numbers of States are internal issues of South Sudanese which require popular consultations from South Sudanese people;

The governors reiterate their full support for the implementation of the peace agreement.

“Affirming our unwavering commitment to the implementation of the Revitalized Agreement in order to realize peace in the Republic of South Sudan; Aware of the grave dangers of dismantling the current 32 States against the will of the people of those States;

The statement called on the Parties to focus on the formation of a unity government and rather trying to address the pending issue which could be tackled at a later time.

1) “The formation of the Revitalized Transitional Govemment of National Unity must be as scheduled and any impending issues can be addressed through the Constitutional Review Commission or through popular consultations.”

2) “On behalf of the people of our States, we encourage that let the resolutions of the National Dialogues through the regional conferences be considered because they were issued by all the leaders from all works of life in South Sudan during an open aired conference, and which strongly called for the maintenance of their respective States.”

The statement urged the Parties to strictly abide by the terms of the agreement and follow the procedures stipulated in the R-ARCSS.

3) “Let all parties respect and follow the provisions of the Revitalized Peace Agreement as stipulated in Chapter 1, article 1.15 which called for an Independent Boundary Commission to lead an outreach public consultation and subsequently transform itself into a referendum Commission in an event it falls short of resolving the issues confirm.”

The governors said that since the establishment of the states was signed into law by lawmakers, it’s absolutely irreversible.

4) “The creation and existence of the 32 States were ratified by the National Legislative Assembly and the Council States which affirms the ownership of the States into the hands of the people of the Republic of South Sudan. Any attempt to alter the status of the States therefore requires the consent of the people of the Republic of South Sudan as already stipulated in Chapter 1 of the Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan.”

The statement emphasized that since the establishment of the 32 states, there have been a number of operating institutions, and therefore it is impossible to make them fall into disuse.

5) “The current 32 States have already developed functioning institutions, systems and local government structures such as new Counties, Payams and Bomas with active County Commissioners, Payam and Boma Chiefs who have already stood out to condemn the attempts to undermine, deny and downplay their States as shown by their street protests and their willingness to even go out beyond their limits.”

The governors warn that, the proposed reduction of the 32 states, if accepted, could lead to serious consequences.

6) “The number one challenge as well as. threat to peace and security in our country is any decision to drastically alter or cancel the current Status of States. It is a threat that will not only threaten the revitalized peace agreement but it can threaten the survivability of our country and the catastrophic result will be far more beyond the powers of regional and international bodies.


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