A South Sudanese man guarding his cattle(Photo credit: unknown)
June 9th, 2019(SSNN) ā We, the chiefs of Lobonok county having met at the request of the cattle keepers; being aware of their presence at both sides of the river Nile. regardless of the meetings and presidential decrees issued in 2010 and 2015 respectively for the returned of cattle to their original and respective stales areas.
Knowledgeable of the tact that the resolutions of the meetings and the decrees issued were partially respected and as well disrespected by some individual cattle keepers.
We, the voice of the people, on behave our beloved people of Lobonok County whom we represent, we are for peace. We commit ourselves to the Revitalized peace agreement reached in September 2018.
Having discussed on cattle Issues. reflection on the past experience. revisiting our suffering in sharing the living together with the cattle and finding that most of the difficulties and misery are caused by the collie grazing on crops, since we are farmers and depend totally on farming. We resolved to the following:
- We respect and honor the agreements and presidential decrees issued by our president Salva Kiir Mayardit for removal of cattle from Equatoria to their respective stales. As a result. we do not want to contradict our president. the cattle MUST return to their states of origin.
- We are farmers: we depend totally on Soil and River Nile for our livelihood.Ā Hence, we do not encourage the presence at cattle in Lobonok County. as it might become the source of conflict.
- Revisiting the past events of 2016, the atrocities caused by the cattle grazing on farms (gardens), killing of the Innocent people, looting of properties, burning of villages and forceful displacement of the people especially in Sindiru do Madong, Morsak, Pager, Gwadiang and Muremo has forced us to refrain condoning keeping cattle keepers in the farming land.
- Recalling our previous meeting with your chiefs (cattle keepers) in Sindiru Boma with regards to the Issues of cattle keeping and their grazing on farming land; which prompted the Joint meeting of the two Governors of Jonglei and Jubek states, which recommend the formation of committee by the governor of Jubek state for evacuation of the cattle from Jubek state to their state of origin, we strongly recommit ourselves to the resolutions of these meetings.
- We the chiefs of the farming community of Lobonok County totally reject the presence of the cattle, as they affect destructively and negatively on our orchards around the river bank, preventing and restricting our movement on our ancestral land.
- Given the fact that the cattle had caused problems between the farming community of Lobonok and the armed cattle keepers, traditionally, there should be forgiveness and reconciliation beforehand.
- We the chiefs of Lobonok, asked you sincerely to go back to your ancestral land. Any move apart from this one, demands engagement of respective relevant government authorities and different stakeholders with respect to the Issues.
- As the cattle had returned to Lobonok despite the meetings and presidential decrees issued, we recommend to committee formed by the governor Jubek charged with the evacuation of the cattle from Jubek state to their ancestral areas to follow up this case.
- We appeal for the intervention of the government high authority on the matter.
- We are appeal of peace-loving people, international Community to intervene in the process of evacuating cattle from Lobonok County.
We the people of Lobonok, we are for peace and we need to stay in peace. We commit ourselves to peace and peaceful ways of resolving grievances.
- Mr. Simon Lokuji, Acting Parmount Chief. Lobonok County.
- Mr. Matthew Kenyi Jale, Chief Luwalo Boma
- Mr. Gabriel Wuri, chief of Sindiru do Mactang Boma.
- Mr. KorEo Boli, Acting Chief of Tomb Boma
- Mr. Moris Kenyi, Chief of Keleng Boma
- Mr. Quirino Merge, Chief of Yapa Boma
- Mr. Severino Kuteng, Chief of Nyarjua Boma
- Mr. Pierensio Loku Solomon, Chief of Kerpeto Boma.
- Mr. Ermano Lodu, Chief of Worduk Boma
- H. E. Philip Aguer, Governor Jonglei State
- H. E. Augustino Jadalla, Governor of Jubek State
- Minister of Local Government, Jubek State
- Church
- Commissioner of Lobonok
- Red Cross
- All the chiefs
- Vice President
- National Security Unit, Lobonok County
- Tiger Unit, Lobonok County
- Ground Forces, Lobonok County
- SPLA-IO, Lobonok County
- All media houses
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