By Yom Deng,

Manhattan, New York, U.S.,


March 27, 2020(Nyamilepedia)I acknowledge the rising cases of the catastrophe Coronavirus Pandemic in the USA.  It first started in China and spread rapidly to the rest of the world. In the recent week and half, the Virus took its toll and has especially become much worse in New York, Connecticut, California and Illinois from recent media’s statistics of death cases and the rising numbers of new cases. Basically, the Corona Virus has become a major threat to human lives, social relationships, mental wellness, and economic and political progress. However, the cancelations of the International flights, the closing down of public offices, Publics school both primary and Secondary schools, including the colleges and Universities alone, are examples of this being an alarming world emergency.

This deadly Virus has become a Global health crisis!  Apart from its deadly toll, it’s causing huge mental illness to individuals who become victims of the Coronavirus and those irrational fears tied to the pandemic. The long-term implications will be costly to both affected states and continents, especially in the cases of emerging mental health issues which embody the viruses destruction package to those affected individuals and their families. This catastrophic outbreak does not discriminate about Races or skin color, Gender, Ages, religious background, social class nor economic status. It’s a real enemy of progress and Peace driving deep in the to the core of community efforts, from human existence as we’ve known it to the domestic animal’s lives. Who knows the Virus threats would lead to affecting livestock soon? I quite often wonder myself what this virus is completely capable of.

To my own analytical views, the COVID-19 is putting the world Peace and International Security in jeopardy. The reason why i said so, it will give rise to expensive Security protocols that will contribute to internal economic meltdowns of United Nations’ members Nations affected by the COVID-19. The cases of deaths to domestic animals has emerged with cases appearing in dogs in Hong Kong, from an article in the New York Post, by the Author Vincent Barone, March 17, 2020.  The coronavirus requires strategic plans and proper collective action. Despite the emerging threat of it’s  nature, i like the presentable ways that the New York State’s Governor commits to educate the New Yorkers on a daily basis and the rest of the U.S. Citizens about news ways to cope with the situation while urging the New York State department of Health to provide the citizens with all necessary assistance, updating the public about the progress and governmental moves and responses to the virus. I’m 100% sure and pleased by governor Andrew M. Cuomo’s analysis. It’s incredibly promising and keeps the hope alive. It’s so helpful and of course while people are watching him behind the devices and TV at home, his words are encouraging and play a major role on improving mental health.

Despite denial or acceptance to the truth, we are all traumatized in our different ways, but what’s different is that people react differently, because human beings have different ways to respond to shocks and coping mechanisms. I mean to says, even those people who are not yet exposed to the virus or lucky to have never contracted the virus are all scared to death. I am just talking from my own experience and of course, i always wait on TVs every day to hear from the governor. We human beings are emotionally weak when we find ourselves amid a trial like this. We need compassion, empathy and solidarity support during this time. So i really acknowledge governor’s appropriate response to the crisis. He has created a huge trust and reassurance between him as a person and leader and the people whom he leads. To me, it’s what’s called leading from the heart and soul. This COVID-199 will inflict on citizens mental illness as a result of isolations of those who are already exposed or unluckily contracted the Virus and the families of the victims are also affected, including the friends while those masses watching the news reports are on COVID-19 fever of paranoia on their own. The Coronavirus’s victims will need a future of more health care, for example the psychological healing will be the next longer thing to tackle. The isolation to the affected alone will cause more mental health to the affected patients of Coronavirus than, even this killing Virus itself. This fall under Mr. Cuomo’s Statement he made on CNN’s News, he spoke about the emerging issues of Stresses plus Anxiety as a result of this catastrophe Coronavirus. 

As i had posted it on my social media pages last week, i would repeats the same, I am urging all the UN’s members nations or International Community at large to unite in order to fight against this deadly lives threatening Virus and to prevent it from spreading to the unaffected parts of the world like Africa. We all have an obligation and collective responsibilities as citizens and International persons to helps the governments and along with World Health Organization and health sectors globally to fight to be able to expelling the  Coronavirus Through personal hygiene, good eating habits and double precautions through washing hands and limitation of un-neccassary social lives like gathering and going to clubs as for now. I agree with the idea of prolonged Holidays in the US for people to remains indoor in their homes. This alternative to me has other side of its emerging problem because I feel like the way authorities are tackling Coronavirus isn’t feasible too, because this will lead to another problem of high demands to the public, for example the chronic Starvations (dealt with by people congregating at grocery stores) and much worse will be an economic meltdown and collapse. 

In my own view, we are already in it and Stopping people from working isn’t an appropriate way to respond, either. The governments should do its levels bests of course, to continue to provides the public with relevant information while educating people how to cop and prevent more Virus carriers from spreading the Virus. Those people who become victims should be o course contains while look after or themselves when passes and recover. Another way too, is to reduce the level of panics, and anxiety is the authorities to intervene to control media to stop exaggerating the increasing numbers or new cases of Coronavirus on Social media and report through recognized media Institutions. As of now, the people are already aware of the Virus and death toll in the communities. The more people watches masses of the people on the social media video how masses of Chinese dying and the same in a commonwealth countries is traumatizing. All people are aware and new are being expose already or late if the Virus its spread is not contain or prevent soon. To me, the medias entities and writers are inflicting more fear in public and is very unethical. It’s likely to rising up to the public a very fear, and which will leads to lose of hope in people who felts are vulnerable to the Virus.  On Wednesday March 18th, 2020, I went to Time Square and i found that, the road was almost empty.  This was my first time I have seen the busiest part of Manhattan 42nd, Street, Avenue of Americas or six Avenue was empty. The business shops, supermarkets, shopping malls, Workplaces, and public schools are closed down. At the time, i was home for half a week, and am right now in the process of losing my job.

I have been home since Monday March 12th, 2020. And even right now, there are no clues of me getting back to work soon, but my focus is on my health and wellness. I have been home for days and people are now told to remain indoors at homes for unknown numbers of day. When i heard the statement for people to remain home, I asked some of my friends, What about the mental wellness to us New Yorkers and the rest of American citizens?? Yes people are home, no job and no money, you have no social interaction any more with some of your friends besides virtual.  The only person to consult is the TV and while watching the TV, the social Media broadcasts news will cause so much fear in you. What’s a COVID-19 (CoronaVirus) ? It’s so sabotaging people’s plans for a year. I and my Sweetheart Michael Speakerman had planned to spend our Spring Vocation Between New York City and Washington Area supposed to start on Sunday March 22nd. We made the right decision and have put on hold our plans, since the day we heard the news, as Michael Live in a Surburb of Chicago, we agreed he should cancel his ticket to come over here to NYC, which was the right thing indeed. Michael Spiekerman’s statement to me on the face chat live video was that, ‘I’m wishing the world was in a better shape with no CoronaVirus, i would be together with you my love,’ i was touched deeply and of course am missing him. No matter what’s ever the situation people are facing right now, COVID-199 has negatively affected all persons at all levels of life. My solidarity, Compassion and empathy with those International passengers who got stuck in other countries Airports including those COVID-19 who’s immune systems is battling this killing virus in hospital beds. My condolences to the families who lost their beloved ones to the deadly CoronaVirus and wishing those A quick recover to those who are still in isolation while fighting for their dear lives. Lastly, my solidarity is with Refugees and Immigrants who have no proper facilities to shelter themselves and the world populations as large.


Yom Deng Bul is Committed Children and Women’s Rights Activist, Conflict Analyst, A researcher on South Sudanese Human Rights Violations, War Atrocities. Yom was born amid Sudan’s prolong Second Civil war which was fought between the SPLA/M led by South Sudan’s Founding Father, late Dr. John Garang De Mabior and the NCP Parties. Yom was born into Ayual-Mathondit Community, Twic Subsection of Dinka in Jonglei State, the Crude-Oil Producing Region of Greater Upper-Nile, South Sudan. She Started her Charitable work when Eight years in Maridi County, Western Equatoria, the Great Equatoria Region where she grew up as an IDP’s Child and considerably a Bush during those dark days. Yom continued to live in a war tone zone in the Southern Sudan part under the controlled of SPLA/M Area.

Yom studied her Primary educational which was funded by both the UNHCR, UNICEF and other Children’s Human Rights Organization. She founded Achut Foundation, the Children’s Rights organization and a former Executive Director of Achut foundation. Yom’s first Job in 2006 was mainly in remote area of Duk Chut, in her Hometown of Wangulei, Twic East, Jonglei State, South Sudan with Norwegian People’s Aide, she worked as an Outreach and a Community Peace Mobilizer. She served women and Youths programs that uses an artistic approach to address transformational phase where women and youths acquire modern Agricultural skill in farming and food nutrition to address issue of Chronic poverty, Starvation, Health, educational awareness and to Mentorship training to bridge the inequality gaps between two gender of men andwomen. In 2006-2009, Yom was appointed as a Director of Admin and Finance with South Sudan Mines Action Authority/Commission (SSMAA) in Juba South Sudan. The Commission that dealing with extraction of the Land Mines during the 21 years of Civil war.

In 2009 Yom had resigned and got hired and she had Served in the Ministry of Justice, known as former Legal Affairs Constitutional Development as a Deputy Director of Admin and Finance where she was executing administration issues. She is an educationist, Masters Student of the University of Nairobi (U.O.N) pursuing Master of Arts Majoring Diplomacy and International Laws at the Institute of Diplomacy and International Studies (IDIS), the College of Humanities and Social Sciences (C.H.S.S). She Hold a Posted Graduate Diploma, Majored in Armed Conflict, Human Rights Laws and Peace Studies from the Department of History and Archaeology, Faculty of Arts, University of Nairobi. She had also obtained a Bachelor of Arts Degree in International Relations, Majored in International Laws, Security, Diplomacy, College of Humanities and Social Sciences and all are from the University of Nairobi. Yom’s beliefs that, Peace begins with consideration of empowerment of children through basics education, advocacy for Social Justice, Equality and Democracy.

The social medias Pages and Email contact: Twitter: Yom Deng (Winner) @yomdeng2015/Facebook: https//.www.facebook.com/public/ Instagram: Yom Deng @Celeberty2020. You can contact me @  E-yombul2015@gmail.com, Yom is Currently residing in Manhattan, New York, U.S.

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