Opinion: The reign of anarchy in South Sudan

South Sudan’s President Salva Kiir Mayardit, briefing the South Sudan People’s Defense Forces after receiving Seven Medals-award for his outstanding, long and military services during the liberation period , and during and the CPA interim period( photo credit:supplied)

May  26, 2020 (SSNN) – Has South Sudan reached the stage of anarchy?? That is a question, I know many South Sudanese are struggling to answer, personally I am not finding any better terminology to describe this stage, where our country find itself today.When the authorities in a country can not grantee the safety and security of the Citizens under their legal jurisdiction, and their properties, there is really no justification for the existence of such a government.

Today, in our Nation, from towns to villages, no one is safe, with the exception of the few that are accorded armed guards, indeed, in some of the worse situations, many are not even sure if they would wake-up the next day or go to bed in one piece.

In our cities and towns, the infamous unknown gunmen, the Toronto boys and other unnamed groups of merciless killers terrorises Citizens, in the villages things are even worst, with emboldened, heavily armed youth carrying out countless massacres, rapes and looting in the names of communal raiding, revenge killings among other atrocities.

Bloodshed, destruction, “communalized” and commercialized robbery becomes the new normal in our country. Today, in the villages for example, no one really own anything, a cow or a goat can be yours in the morning, and its ownerships switched to another by way of force in the afternoon. This is the painful predicament our people are enduring, without law and order to protect rights, anyone is for themselves, just call it the law of the juggle, the survival for the fittest. In short, it is chaos and disorder! Sadly, all these things are happening while our government sit comfortably in Juba but just watching.

We are aware of the endless, brutal intercommunal feuds that has left thousands or more citizens dead in Warap, Lakes and Wau states, the deadly cycle of revenge attacks in Jonglei got to another notch recently, when heavily armed Murle youth launched a deadly attack in Pieri town of Nyirol County and it’s surroundings, in that attack alone, over three hundred (300) mostly innocent children, women, elderly and disables are said to have been massacred in cold blood, In one day.

In unity state things are not any better, this morning, a heavily armed youth, suspected to be from the Neighbouring Rumbek and Warrap States launched, an unprovoked, surprise attack at Gaakal village of Panyijiar County, the fighting is ongoing. Five days ago, a child, a woman and a man were killed and four others, including women and children were seriously injured in Manga area of Guit county, in cattle raiding incidents. On Thursday night, (last Week) an elderly man was shot and killed and his heard stolen in Rubkona town, the incident took place, just a few yards from SPLA/ SSPDF’s Fourth Infantry HQRs, and just a few kilo meters from SPLA-A/IO containment Site, the raiders “vanished” with their loots of course, a week earlier, a similar incident also occurred in the very same place.

Other fights, with numerous fatalitieshad also occurred around the same Week within and around Guit,Koch and Rubkona Counties of Unity state, all were cattle-rustling related, on the other part of Unity state, in Mayom County, a strings of deadly recurring attacks rages on between the Youth of Mayom County on one hand and her Neighbouring counties of Warap and Ruweng Administrative Area on the other, noticeably, around bulWest/North areas, Ajakkuach,Abiemnhom and other locations.

In fact, if you Keenly follow the daily reports from media outlets and other channels of information, you will be shocked to learn that, almost, there is no single day that goes without a report of fighting and killing of people in South Sudan, this is terrible, our people are finishing, unfortunately nothing is being done about it.

In conclusion, during the last six (6) years, our citizens, at least some of them, lived in hell on Earth, however, following the signing of the revitalized agreement between the main warring parties, many breathed a sight of relief, we hoped a new era had began, many thought law and order would be restored and peace returned, admittedly, the general security situation did improved, however, things are slowly boiling and spiralling out of control across the Country.

Therefore, R-TGONU, must do all it can to contain the situation before it gets completely out of hands. I would recommend the following critical and immediate actions to arrest the worsening security situation in the Country. First, formation of States and county (s) government as soon as possible, secondly, while we awaits, the unification of forces, the SPLA-IO and SSPDF where possible should form a joint operation forces(taskforces), to ensure the security and safety of the citizens, meanwhile training and graduation of unified units should be speed-up, thirdly, the Unity Government should seek the support of the UNMISS in terms of logistics, technology necessary for coordination of security related issues , especially at the states levels where government capacity is limited and fourthly, the Media and the civil societyy must play a key role in creating awareness, in other words shining the spotlights, engaging stakeholders and partners on the ravaging insecurity issues in the Country.

Otherwise, Gatmayar and Gatmachar should know that their Citizens are very tired and are looking up-to them for an urgent and permanent solutions to this persistent insecurity problem in the Country, particularly in the countryside. Among all the other priorities, safety and security of the citizens and their properties overrides. should they fail to grantee that minimum obligation, while they are ” united”, a huge and reasonable question will be asked, not only on the ability of their government but also, it’s legitimacy.

The author is a concerned South Sudan citizen and can be reached via: g.gongk15@gmail.com

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