Opinion: South Sudan the country were president’s relatives kill at will

By Ayuen John

Lt. Col. Lual Akook Wol Kiir who killed four people today (Photo credit: SSPPU)

June 8, 2020 (SSNN) – My dear country men and women who have been gripped by tears and sorrow for the bereavement of your lovely died in merciless massacres of unarmed civilians by president relative in Shirkat neighborhood, capital Juba on 3rd of March, 2020.   Allow me to express my sincere and heartfelt condolences for the lost souls and to the families of fallen victims.

Regrettably the victims have died innocently as a result of impunity and meekness caused by weak and tribalized leadership that has given power and weapons to president relatives so that they can kills civilians at will; a case of Lual-Marine and Akot Lual Areech.

Shirkat massacres was executed by the army officer in South Sudan Peoples Defense Force (SSPDF), specifically in presidential protection Unit (Tiger) identified as, Lual Akook Wol Kiir, commonly known as Lual-Marine a President Salva Kiir step-Son, distance relative and nephew (those were the descriptions given to the army officer by the office of president trying to distance themselves from the criminal who had already annihilate life’s of innocent civilians from the peaceful and mighty community of Greater Bor in Jonglei state.

President relative who turned notorious criminal, thug and land grabber heavily armed to death with the national army machineries and weapons together with his six armed bodyguards open fire on civilians, travelers, tea sellers, businessmen and women plus other roads users who were at Bor Bus park on Wednesday morning in shirkat resulting into killing of Five peoples and wounding of ten more including students and women. The incident occurred after Lual intended to grabb public toilet and graveyard or cemetery located next to Bor or Jonglei Bus station.  Where on the earth can president relative massacred scores because of Cemetery and toilet ownership?  It’s not surprise in South Sudan president relative can kills at will.

Although, the root cause of shirkat mass shooting is being manipulated and misinterpreted by shameless relatives and clan of Lual Marine (killer) that their son was deliberately attacked in his compound which is located at distance of fifteen kilometers from Bus Park. The claims are baseless, lies, and mere propaganda for covering-up the death of civilians. Who exactly don’t know Lual and how he has been behaving within and around Juba with his weapons and escorts to be fooled or feed with propaganda? Denying a wrong doing because you have looted entire resources that will make you builds on cemetery is a cast.

To the world and South Sudanese who might have not heard of Lual Marine (President Relative) allow me to take you through the brief niceties of who Lual is? And how Lual happen to be a resident of Shirkat. Himself Lual-Marine has been residing in shirkat for the last four years, since 2016 after he relocated from J1-Presidential palace and forceful grabbed large piece of land from Bari old woman (native of Juba) at gun point and set up wall fence of about 500 by 500 meter square in an isolated area near Juba two. He built his compound with building materials that he picks free from shirekat residents, foreign traders or sellers of building materials specially Ethiopians, Somalia’s, and Sudanese (Darfur) in shirkat market free without paying any fees.  Lual death will be a joys and celebrations to foreign traders, Boda-Boda riders and other categories of road users and Shirkat residents in general.

In my opinion and observations president relative was licensed by his step father and associates to destabilized shirkat since 2016 up to Wednesday morning were he killed civilians. Lual has been a thorn in the lives of shirkat residents. First, Lual was a land grabber and thief who can grab at will. Secondly, he was a killer who has not only killed shirkat residents but in 2015 before he relocated to shirkat Lual killed two soldiers from Tiger division and there was no justice for the deceased until today.

Thirdly, Lual has been blocking Juba Bridge and patrol stations within Shirkat and around Konyo-konyo market, sometime destroying vegetables of venerable equatorians women who frequently sell their goods at open air-market in Konyo-Konyo claiming to be traffic police. How can an officer in Tiger division be a traffic police?

Fourthly, Lual has been collecting money from all businessmen and women within Konyo-konyo and around shirekat asking various patrol stations to pay him an amount of one hundred US dollar or equivalent of forty thousand South Sudanese Pound daily from each business.

Fifthly, Lual has killed many residents of shirekat suburb by arming gangs (crews) and those gangs has been destabilizing the entire community by looting civilians, rapping women and girls, taking motors cycle from riders by forces and numerous atrocities are yet to be accounted. The evident of Lual being a gang – leader is most of the criminals or gangs that have been arrested and jailed for their crimes. Moreover, Lual usually free and set them off from police cells straight-away without procedural measure and after being released he kept the criminals in his compound.

Six, Lual has been beating, slapping and kicking army generals in a humiliating manner along the streets of shirekat and in most cases at patrol stations. The examples of army general that were humiliated by president relative through slapping and beating generals including Gen. Garang Akook Adut, who was slapped and beat-up by Lual bodyguards, claiming that the retired army general did not follow the line-up at the patrol station in the days when fuel was scanty . Gen. Garang is the founding member of SPLA Air force Unit from 1983 until the signing of CPA. His contributions to the success of Liberation Movement are bolds and known to all South Sudanese, but because we are in South Sudan a country were president relative is licensed to killed and disgrace by armed thug, Gen. Garang was humiliated by president relative. In other hand army Gen. Bol Koang, a well known Liberator and former governor of defunct  Biech state in Jonglei was beaten by President relative accused him of interrupting with his convoy because he is the relative of president, in addition several others low profile peoples where beaten by president relative throughout years without Justice. Although, the misbehaviors and misconduct of president relative (President-Step Son) were reported to Military Intelligent (MI), National Security Services (NSS) and SSPDF Military Headquarter to either relocated him (Lual or killer) from shirekat residential area to military barrack or else to be disarmed together with his bodyguards. Unfortunately, all the above army units’ fears to take action on Lual because of being a relative of President Salva Kiir Mayardit.

Painfully, after the alleged passing of Mr. Lual (President relative) on Wednesday evening in Aspen Hospital, another armed relative of president Kiir shot dead, Captain Manyang Chol Manyang of (Tiger Division) presidential protection Unit as a revenge for the death of Lual the president step-Son. Captain Manyang hailed from Bor Dinka ethnicity who’s Lual has killed five civilians and wounded ten in shirekat fatal shooting. Again on Thursday evening around Jebel Market president relatives organized themselves and attacks a young man from Bor Dinka subsection of ethnicity identified as Mr. Reech Kelei, he was stabbed with knife and machete as a revenge attack for the death of (Lual) the president step son. Albeit

In addition, President Salva Kiir on Friday ordered for the formation of seven members committee to investigate the killing and report back to his office within a week. The alleged Committee is just a diversion of people’s attention so that the protesters who took to the streets of shirekat protesting for the Justice of victims should be calms so that the protest ended. Many people have been murdered in cool blood by president relatives in South Sudan and several committees were formed through the orders of president, but the results ended in -vein. Committees were formed to investigates the death of late Isaiah Abraham (Diing Chan Awuol) opinion writer who was murdered in 2013, Lawyer Akuach Jok, Engineer John Sebit and Medical Doctor, Diing Chol Dau, who happen to be a personal doctor of president Salva Kiir at the time of his death Just to mentions. Committees were formed and up to date no results or finding of the committee that has been made public about the death victims and who kills them. “Justice delayed is a Justice denied”.

Furthermore, it’s enough that Lual is gone but he has already killed civilians, but other relatives of president Kiir known as Mr. Akot Lual Areech is killing and he has been killing citizens of Jonglei state especially in the areas of greater Bor and Lou Nuer through individual assassinations’ and proxy war by supplying weapons to what he described as minority tribes in Jonglei state.  The guns are being use for killing vulnerable peoples, child abduction and cattle’s raiding. Akot Lual Areech killing in Jonglei is evidenced by the recent reports of United Nations that accused president envoy to GPAA of arming civilians in name of protecting minorities.

In conclusion, enough is enough for the president relatives; they have already kills hundreds of peoples. It is high time for South Sudanese to wake up and come together against oppression, especially the marginalized communities of Upper Nile, Bar el Gazal, and Equatoria Region.  Grave atrocities and inhuman treatment has been has been committed by the president relatives. The motive behind the atrocities is ethnic cleansing and oppression by the failed government that arms president relatives to murdered civilians.

The writer is a concern citizen and he can be reached for comment and input at ayuenjohn2050@gmail.com.

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