Opinion: Endorsing Mr. Buay Rolnyang for Unity State Governorship

By Gatgong Koang Thany 

Maj. Gen. Buay Rolnyang when he was the commander of the Military Police before the war broke out in 2013(Photo credit: Nyamilepedia)

Maj. Gen. Buay Rolnyang when he was the commander of the Military Police before the war broke out in 2013(Photo credit: Nyamilepedia)

June 22, 2020 (SSNN) – First thing first, to those who think that they have a divine entitlement to think, decide and speak for and on behalf of everyone, on everything, every time, I want to tell you, NO!

A BIG NO on this one, unlike in the past and with other situation, this time, we have a huge mountain to move, that require everybody’s participation however small.

At this point in time, what is in the minds of every sound minded South Sudanese is nothing but, peace, peace and more peace, indeed the urgent assignment at hand today is, should be and must be the immediate, correct and full implementation of the already stalling and decaying agreement, that is not only needed at the National Level, but also, and most urgently at the states and local levels. But to achieve that golden dream, there must be a unifying factor (s) at each level, that is nothing else but a good leadership, especially at the States and the grassroots Level.

Unity State in particular, stand at a uniquely precarious and fragile position compared to most states in South Sudan

given the level of division, destruction and atrocities committed, in everyone’s heart, especially in those of the victims and survivors, the painful images of those inhumane abuses perpetrated against them, by their own brothers during the war are so fresh and unhealed, it will probably take justice and serious accountability to wipe off those endless tears. Therefore to bring it back and hold it together, after this bitter divide, the leadership must be the right one, so that it would be able to earn the confidence of the people from both sides of the conflict/political divides and make working together possible.

Secondly, for the benefit of those who didn’t correctly understand my position, posted on my Facebook page this week, allow me to explain it once again; I am of the view that;

  1. I said it and I am repeating it here, loudly and clearly once again, that, I believe like many others that, the incoming governor of Unity State, whoever s/he will be should be Nominated/appointed from the Counties of Southern Unity ( the greater Leer i.e. Koch, Mayiendit, Leer and Panyijiar), even here, I would also insist that the appointments is done in full regards to the existing and past political equations for it to be fair,
  2. I am aware that the appointing authority is the ultimate decider, and that he may, as he pleases decide contrary to my observation above, should he wish to return the post to Northern Unity, that will also be fine, but, I will humbly submit that, this time around, the post should go to qualified cadre (s) from other counties within Northern Unity, for example, Rubkona, that would ensure “equality and fairness” in leadership allocation in the state.

In such an arrangement, all I would care about would be, that whoever is appointed is qualified, a Nationalists (I know that is rare to find), civilized, informed, and most importantly, a unifying personality.

However, I know, all the above illustration is mostly realized only on a beautiful daydream, Politics is a different game altogether, an animal where something called the “political interests” dominates and Lord over other factors, that leads me to my third point;

  1. We have learned from experience, that South Sudanese rumors are sometimes true, in regards to the imminent Governors appointment, in fact, long before the parties could even agree on the allocations, the loudest and the most persistent speculation in relation to Unity State Governorship, had been that the post is going back to Mayom County, whatever the reasons may be, that’s up-to political scientists to analyses.

Folks, that is where I was coming to, if indeed the rumors are true, knowing that the president have the prerogative to appoint whoever he wishes, within his peace-allotted pie, I think, the best we could do while we have time is to give our humble suggestion, they might not even get to be heard, but what else can we do ?.

It’s on this basis, that I am proposing Mr. Stephen Buay Rolnyang for appointment as Governor of Unity state. Unlike many other generals, and other candidates whose names are circulating for possible appointment to this position, Mr. Buay is a discipline officer who command respect from both the soldiers and civilians from the both sides of the political divides in the state, he would therefore be the unifying factor desperately need to reunite and reconcile our people, because he value human/civil rights and protect civilians properties, he demonstrated that during his short spell as the Commander of the SPLA_IG’s fourth infantry Division based in Bentiu, when he was able to tame the rogue forces and militias, who were instead of protecting the citizens were brutally terrorizing them.

He had earned the trust and confidence of the population. Mr. Stephen Buay Rolnyang didn’t directly participated in the massacres and mass looting of civilians, witnessed in the state during the war, for that he is accorded the benefits of doubt and perceived a lesser enemy by the other side.

Well educated, informed, civilized, and better exposed, if his military career is anything to go by, then I would safely say that he is good leader. In addition, he is less dirty and corrupted, besides, his newness in the political scene represent a fresh start and new beginning.

In conclusion, at this critical point in time, unity state need not just a governor, but a good leader, our people are deeply divided, fitted against each other throughout the conflict, the level of hatred between former brothers turned foes is over the roof, bringing them back on one table will be a delicate act of balance, only a leader with a reasonable level of trust from all sides can do that, currently and from the talk of many, in villages and towns, here in Bentiu, only one, Stephen Buay Rolnyang command that kind of crosscutting confidence and respect among the people of unity state. Until proven wrong, he deserves a chance to prove himself and his believers right.

The author is a concerned citizen, from Unity State. He reachable on email address: g.gongk15@gmail.com

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