Opinion: Condemnation Message on the concocted media allegation against  Hon. Victor Atem Atem

By Deng Emmillo Mou,

Gorgrial State governor, Victor Atem Atem (Photo credit: File/Supplied/SSNN)

Gorgrial State governor, Victor Atem Atem (Photo credit: File/Supplied/SSNN)

June 11, 2020(Nyamilepedia) — Two days ago,  some enemies of peace and security stability in defunct Gogrial State fabricated a malicious allegation of ” Gogrial State Coordination office being placed on sale” by the former Governor Hon.  Victor Atem Atem. This propaganda of ” Defunct Gogrial State Coordination Office being placed on sale”  is as fake as those who concocted it. This allegation was invented by the politically defeated youth who are being backed by the hopeless lobbyists of Warrap State Gubernatorial post.

As a concerned youth of South Sudan and Warrap state in particular, I would like to dispute and condemn in the strongest term possible such mere and fabricated allegation labelled against our God fearing leader Victor Atem . Let me eborate on the facts that Hon. Victor Atem Atem has no connection with the affairs of Defunct Gogrial State because he is a mere citizen like me and you. All of you are fully aware that he was relieved from the governorship of Defunct Gogrial State following the dissolution of 32 states.  We all know that the defunct 32 states are being run by the Secretary Generals. Where will the Hon. Atem Atem get the powers to involve in the affairs of defunct Gogrial state?

Defunct Gogrial State Coordination Office in Juba, South Sudan(Photo credit: supplied)

Defunct Gogrial State Coordination Office in Juba, South Sudan(Photo credit: supplied)

To go into details of what happened. The building of defunct Gogrial State Coordination Office in Juba was purchased by the government of former governor Hon. Victor Atem Atem. The buying transactions were done on behalf of the former state government by the state coordinator of defunct Gogrial State in Juba.  During the transaction, 80% of the amount of money was paid to the landlord by the State Coordinator but 20% remained as a balance. One week ago, the landlord called the coordinator of defunct Gogrial State and demanded his balances. So the state coordinator reported the issue to the secretary general of defunct Gogrial State in Kuajok and the secretary general promised the landlord that he would pay the balance after some few days. I think by tomorrow or next tomorrow, the landlord will receive his balance. 

Let me reiterate to all of you that the premise of defunct  Gogrial State Coordination office is still a public property and it will remain a public property for forever. Don’t let the enemies of progress decieve you in a broad day light. 

In conclusion, I call upon the national government to take punishable action against whoever circulate the hate speech or anti peace messages in the social media. The social media is being misused by the political lobbyists to achieve their narrow political interest through the use of propaganda, hate speeches etc.  I also appeal to my fellow youth to refrain from circuiting propaganda and allegations against hard working, peace loving and God fearing leader Victor Atem Atem Angok. Let’s use social media in constructive and professional manner. Therefore, I am appealing to those who came across such political propaganda to disregard it immediately. I am calling on those who created and invented such malicious allegation and propaganda to immediately apologize to Hon. Victor Atem Atem and also to the general public.

The writer is a concerned youth of Gogrial West County.  He can via Email : emmillomoud@gmail.com

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