Opinion: Amb. Ezekiel Lol is a visionary nationalist, not a political beggar: a response to Gadier Peter
By Deng Akok Muoradid,

South Sudan Minister of Petroleum, Ezekiel Lol Gatkuoth, speaks to diplomats(Photo credit: unknown)
June 15th, 2019(SSNN) ā On Date 13th June 2019, a certain confused concerned citizen called Mr. Gadier Peter wrote an impudent article against Amb. Ezekiel Lol in Nyamilepedia. In his article entitled” Ezekiel Lol reignites political begging as a Freedom of Expression”, Gadier Peter described Lol’s appreciation letter as a strategy for reppointment. He further described Amb. Ezekiel as a political beggar. All what Gadier Peter wrote in his article indicates that he is uninformed citizen who has never passed near the school of politics. For this reason,, it is my obligation as an informed intellectual to dispel this malicious information which Gadier Peter has written about Amb. Ezekiel Lol’s appreciation letter to President Salva Kiir.
Appreciating the head of state is something normal in the politics and it has nothing to do with the campaign strategies. A wise politician always thanks his President for appointing or relieving him from the constitutional post and this is what Amb. Lol has done. Amb. Ezekiel Lol Gatkuoth was given a chance by the President to serve the people of South Sudan for three consecutive years. He tried his best to rescue the suffering citizens from the deadly economic crises. He received his removal from the position with joy and happiness and that is why he wrote an appreciation letter to the President of South Sudan. He also reiterated his support to his excellency the president. So what is wrong with Lol’s appreciation message?
Instead of thanking Amb. Ezekiel Lol for recovering the collapsing economy, some ignorant opportunists like Gadier Peter and many others are defaming him for no reason. When will these opportunists acknowledge the achievements of Ezekiel Lol?. Lol is a visionary leader who minds about the future of his people and that’s why he has accomplished the following achievements in the oil sector.
- Attainment of economic stability through increase in the level of production from 100,000 BPD to 180,000 BPD. Ā Ā Ā
- Provision of clean drinking water to the citizens around the oil fields.
- Complete eradication of environmental pollution
- Implementation of” crude oil for roads” construction agreement
- Resumption of oil production in former Unity State
- Bringing in of new oil investors in South Sudan oil sector
- Establishment of strong bilateral relations with all the oil producing countries
- Renovation of the premises of the petroleum ministry
- Signing of the refinery and pipeline construction agreement with South African government
- Signing of oil exploration and drilling agreement with South African government and many other endless achievements.
Amb. Ezekiel Lol predicted that the economy of South Sudan would be booming and indeed he achieved it. Our economy is currently booming and stable as a result of his struggle. The increase in oil production has led to the stability of our economy because our economy depends on oil . Therefore, those who are attacking Ezekiel Lol in the social media are mere opportunists who only believe in their own stomach. Such kind of people can’t acknowledge the good work done by the good human being in the society because they only acknowledge what is rendered to them individually, not to the general public.
The writer is a Senior Human Right Activist. He can be reached via Email’ dengakokmuoradid@gmail.com
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