Opening Remarks By The Chairperson of CTSAMVM At The 6th CTSAMVM Board Meeting



Opening Remarks,

By Maj. Gen. Desta Abiche Ageno,

Chairperson of CTSAMVM,

Excellences, Ambassadors, General Officer, Distinguished delegates, Ladies and gentlemen,

Good morning and welcome to the 6th CTSAMVM Board Meeting.

Thursday, May 9th, 2019(SSNN) — Once again, I want to thank the Party representatives and Board members for their attendance at this very important meeting just before the beginning of the Extended Pre-Transitional Period. As many of you know, last week the IGAD Special Envoy for South Sudan convened a meeting in Addis Ababa with the leaders of the Parties to the R-ARCSS. CTSAMVM prepared a report for the IGAD Special Envoy on the status of implementation of Chapter 2 of the R- ARCSS which was later presented to the leadership of the Parties attending the meeting. This report highlighted several important points which I will briefly mention.

First, CTSAMVM can report that the signing of the R-ARCSS marked the beginning of a genuine ceasefire in The Republic of South Sudan. The signatory Parties showed a real commitment to make the ceasefire work, and fighting related to the conflict all but ceased, except in Central and Western Equatorial where clashes have continued with NAS forces loyal to General Thomas Cirillo.

Second, the report made clear that key pre-transitional tasks were not complete, and that important security arrangement provisions were behind schedule. Cantonment is such a key task: although cantonment sites have been identified the act of cantonment has not started, and this remains a significant obstacle to the full implementation of the Security Arrangements.

Third, CTSAMVM retains a focus on the effect of conflict on civilians. Although there are no specific cases of violence against civilians or SGBV reported since the last Board Meeting, CTSAMVM is continuing to follow up allegations which will eventually generate reports.

Fourth, the operations of CTSAMVM continue to be hindered by denial of full freedom of movement and access by the Parties.

Fifth, resource issues have resulted in CTSAMVM downsizing. This will affect operations, although the return of two helicopters will provide CTSAMVM with increased operational flexibility.

Sixth, National Monitors are deployed with all MVTs except one where there are accommodation issues. The Joint Monitoring Coordination Office (JMCO) is functioning very effectively with the Senior National Liaison Officers.

These are the points that we highlighted in our report last week which we will email to you after this meeting. The IGAD Special Envoy and the leadership of the Parties took note of the CTSAMVM report and it was latter adopted and used by the parties to extend the pre-transitional period. We welcome the decision by the IGAD Council of Ministers to approve the extension.

Now, I want to draw your attention to what will be presented at today’s meeting.

CTSAMVM can continue to report that in general the ceasefire continues to hold. Since the last Board meeting there have been no reports of any fighting apart from a few incidents in the Yei area involving alleged ambushes by NAS forces of Thomas Cirillo which are under investigation.

Overall, there continue to be encouraging signs of cooperation throughout South Sudan between the Parties on the ground, although tensions remain in some areas. However, as I stated earlier, there remain significant challenges to the implementation of the PCTSA and the mechanisms and the Parties will have to re-double their efforts during the extended Pre-Transitional Period to implement the Agreement.

As I mentioned earlier, a significant challenge for CTSAMVM remains access. The situation has improved, but lack of access remains a major obstacle to CTSAMVM operations, and it was a recurring issue throughout the extended Pre-Transitional Period. Another issue which must be resolved quickly is the continued occupation of civil buildings; very little progress is being made by the Parties to vacate civil buildings. As a matter of urgency, these buildings must be vacated immediately and the parties report to CTSAMVM so that it can be verified. CTSAMVM urges all the signatory Parties to comply with the agreement, allow CTSAMVM unconditional free movement and take appropriate measures without any excuse on the ground against those who have continued being obstacles.

Since the last CTSAMVM Board meeting, CTSAMVM has reported 2 violations, both discussed at the 10th CTC meeting. Neither was particularly serious; they will be discussed later.

You will also hear in more detail about the CTSAMVM challenges and operational issues which it will likely face during the Extended Pre-Transitional Period. CTSAMVM will be under increased pressure to verify pre-transitional

tasks such as cantonment at a time when resources are restricted and the number of international observers reduced.

We will need the assistance of our donors and others to mobilise additional resources and the full cooperation of the Parties to conduct our monitoring, verification and reporting tasks during this very critical period.

As I stated at the last Board meeting, CTSAMVM is independent, neutral and impartial. These are the values that enable CTSAMVM to command the confidence of all the Parties. It is important that Board members, the parties, stakeholders and international community understand and support these values. CTSAMVM will continue working independently, impartially, and with neutrality.

Finally I hope this board meeting is as productive, forceful and constructive as before.

Thank you.


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