Open Letter: A call on president Kiir to remove Tut Kew Gatluak

This opinion article has been thoroughly edited to aid reading…
By Mariak Madut Thiik Riiny,
Hon. Tut Kew Gatluak Manime presents a letter from Salva Kiir to the new Chairman of Military Council of the Republic of Sudan and Minister of Defense, 1st Lt. Gen. Abdel-Fatah Burhan(Photo credit: supplied/SSNN)

Hon. Tut Kew Gatluak Manime presents a letter from Salva Kiir to the new Chairman of Military Council of the Republic of Sudan and Minister of Defense, 1st Lt. Gen. Abdel-Fatah Burhan(Photo credit: supplied/SSNN)

May 20, 2020(SSNN) — My fellow citizens of the Republic of South Sudan, I picked my phone today to write an article for the removal of the so-call Tutkew Gatluak Manime, the security advisor in the office of the president. I am a mere citizen by birth and an activist, I  expresses truth about the fake leaders who failed to know their mandates given to them by the president of the Republic of South Sudan.
Dear South Sudanese, Before I jot down the reasons for my calls to the Republican president for the removal of security advisor in his office,  I would like to beg your humble attentions to read and understand the reasons clearly, get your self a humble time as educated citizens to read this article and understand it better and I will hope back your support toward my calls to the president.
Before I start, I would like to congratulate H.E Joshua Salva Kiir Mayardit the peace loving president for signing the Revitalized Transitional Government of National Unity with the oppositions, though there is controversy in the division of states, we are hoping that you will end the deadlock for the appointment of states’ governors within this week or next week to reduce the suffering of civilians in the various conflicted states.
Your Excellency,
As a citizen of this great nation born in Warrap State at Apuk Giir Thiik, I would like to express the reasons behind my call for the removal of Mr. Tut Gatluak from the position of security advisor in the office of the president.
Your Excellency,
Mr. Tut was appointed to alert you about any ongoing security threats against civilians, both educated and uneducated. After his appointment as security advisor;
1. He failed to know his mandate of reporting any security threats against civilians to your esteemed office. There had been several attacks in Bahr El Ghazal by the special forces led by Gen. Puljang.
(A) Twic had been attacked 6 times by those Nuers where Tut Gatluak come from, in those attacks, they have  killed more than 100 civilians and soldiers, more than 200 wounded and raided herd of unaccountable cattle. As a security advisor in your esteemed office, he didn’t report anything to you and that’s why you never said anything about their deaths as a president.
(B) Greater Tonj had been attacked 4 times by the same special force for General Puljang together with Tut Gatluak, more then 150 civilians lost their lives and more than 200 were wounded. Mr. Tut didn’t say anything about that attack by his home mates civilians, he only talks about those Dinkas of Lakes and Tonj who are killing themselves and have never mind how his home mates killing Dinka Bahr El Ghazal and some parts of upper Nile.
(C) Apuk Giir Thiik community have been attacked 6 times losing the lives of 127 civilians and soldiers plus yesterday’s attack that lost the lives of 23 people excluding unfounded bodies, left many injured and burnt Mayen Jur of Apuk into ashes. In yesterday’s attacks by the special force of Gen. Puljang (the home mate of Mr. Tut Gatluak), most of SSPDF soldiers have been killed specially Major Deng Manon and Canal Gum Luk.  People are finishing, and Mr. Tut Gatluak didn’t say anything claiming that he is the only Nuer Loyal to you yet you don’t know that he supports the killing of civilians in Bahr El Ghazal.
(D) They have attacked Anet of Ngok Abiey earlier this month living 17 dead and 24 wounded Mr. Tut is keeping quiet.
(E) Last month, they have attacked Biemnhom of Ngok Lual Yak that led the death of 9 and 6 wounded. Mr. Tut is keeping quiet.
Note: Mr. Tut Gatluak advised you to disarmed civilians (Gelweeng) of Defunct Gogrial State amidst killing themselves. After disarmament of Gogrial civilians,  his home mates of Tut attacked disarmed Gogrial civilians and raids their cattle. This is another cool war that Nuer leaders planned against Dinka. For example, you are now disarming Bahr El Ghazal civilians yet Nuers are not disarmed, what do you think will happen after disarmament of those civilians when rest have guns? Nuer are going to attacks any Dinkas territory like what they are doing to disarmed civilians of Gogrial.
2. Mr. Tut just sits in the office waiting to receive visitors coming to you and this doesn’t Concern him as a security advisor. Is security advisory concern receiving of visitors accompanying them to the president? No, this should be the work of minister in the office of the president.
3. Mr. Tut Gatluak is practicing corruption in the country, he do donates thousands of dollars and V8 (expensive cars), he never gives pounds since his appointment after now. Where is he getting those Dollars? He is corrupt and we don’t needs corrupt people in this peace Government.
4. Mr. Tut Gatluak is illiterate, as a youngest nation, we should not rally behind uneducated leaders who do not know how to speaks English nor write any language. What uneducated leaders thinks demote the nation for example, he only cares about Nuer living them to kills Dinkas now and then. You should notice why he had never reported anything concerning Nuer attacks on Bahr El Ghazal, is it because he is tribalism friend? But what cause tribalism? It’s illiteracy and greediness for powers?
5. Mr. Tut Gatluak donated guns to support General Puljang to launch attacks on greater Bahr El Ghazal and some parts of Upper Nile owned by Dinkas. According to the right source, he gave huge amount of money to Gen. Puljang to buy food and ammunitions to backup the special force of General Puljang in order to kill the Dinka they don’t like.
6. Whenever MPs from any attacked community want to meet you and  to bring the killing of their people to your attention, then Mr. Tut Gatluak refuses them from meeting you. For example, Apuk community MPs have  been blocked to meet you as a president. Tut did these because he knew that you will blame him if MPs are the very people that will alert you about the killing of civilians than him who is the security advisor.  Blockage of states and community youths and women is also one of the challenge at the presidency but it happens through Tut Gatluak.
Your Excellency
There are a lot of reasons why I called for the removal of Mr. Tut Gatluak from the position of security advisory in your esteemed office but above are top 6 most important reasons that I requested you to kindly remove him for and replace him with another Nuer who will not support tribalism like Mr. Tut Gatluak Manime, the most illiterate leader in your Government.
Your Excellency
You might have heard yesterday’s attack at Mayen Jur in Apuk, why didn’t he (Tut) talked with special force to avoid attacking Bahr El Ghazal region if he is loyal to you as president? Many attacks against Dinkas  have been planned by Gen. Puljang and your security advisor Mr. Tut Gatluak. If you deny then let’s wait for 3 days and you will hear another attacks against Dinkas.
Your Excellency
You must think. Why do Tut Gatluak support the disarmament of Dinka Bahr El Ghazal much? Did you ever ask yourself? Do you know why disarmament in Nuer failed two times? The reason that he supports the disarmament of Dinkas is to ease the attacks of Nuer civilians against dinkas, so long they will be harmless. They will kill a lot of people and raids cattle daily like what they do to Defunct Gogrial who are gunless due to 2017 disarmament living Nuer with guns. There will never be disarmament in Nuer areas because whenever you send their home leader they won’t make it possible to take guns from them because they have planned to kill dinkas, they bring report to you that they have been disarmed and shortly after two days, they will lead their attacks to Warrap or Biemnhom.
Your Excellency
With these reasons, I am hereby requesting you to remove him from the security seat because he is not trained as a security “tarchi” [attache], he doesn’t know anything about security, that’s why He left his job and do non of his mandates that should be done by the minister in the office of the president.
We need someone who is well trained in the field of security, this man should be from Nuer of any other trained security personnel from any tribe.
Your Excellency
It will be nice if you can listen to activists because without activists, a president can’t receive facts about wrong leaders in his or her government. You better listen to activists then politicians who said things base on their political interests.  Activists are young people who are always good in analyzing the leadership of any certain leader in the country, it is the role and the right of any citizen to express the word of his/her thoughts. That’s why I never keep quite, I feels pity when I see such leaders like Tut Gatluak Manine doing such things in our beloved nation.
Your Excellency
We will be grateful to see Tut Gatluak removed from the position of security advisor in the office of the president during the appointment of states’ governors.
Stay tuned…….
Long live South Sudan!!
Long live H.E Salva Kiir Mayardit!!!
The author has been arrested by South Sudan national security for incitement and defamation one day after writing this article. He is now in jail at the NISS blue house in Juba. For more information you can write to this activist through his email at

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