On the Progress of Implementation of the Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan (R-ARCSS)

Press Release



December 27, 2018(SSNN) — In reference to the above, the SPLM/SPLA (IO) would like to inform members, the people of South Sudan and the public at large, regarding the Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan (R-ARCSS) and the progress of its implementation, as we are approaching four (4) months since we signed the negotiated settlement with our partners in peace, on September 12th, 2018.

The SPLM/SPLA (IO), while acknowledging the significant strides that have been made in terms of the implementation of the R-ARCSS so far, notably on the establishment and reconstitution of the various mechanisms and institutions of the agreement by the IGAD Secretariat, the Initiatives and meetings conducted by the parties as confidence-building measures across much of South Sudan and the release of a handful of the political detainees and abductees.

The SPLM/A (IO) would like to, however, inform our members that, the implementation of the R-ARCSS is going on slowly, owing to, among other things, lack of funding. There have also been numerous violations of the agreement and we would like to draw attention to these serious violations of R-ARCSS. It is the contention of the Movement that, it is only the implementation of the provisions of the agreement, that will fix the economy and create a conducive security environment for people to access that economy. The idea that peace will come through pious proclamations and photo ops, is just a conspiracy to derail the agreement, as it contains no real program.

In the spirit of remaining realistic about peace, we condemn the attack on the Juba Monitoring and Verification Team (MVT) by the Government of South Sudan security forces in the Luri Area, as reported by CTSAMVM on December 19th, 2018. The SPLM/SPLA (IO) also condemns the, rape and assault of approximately 125 girls and women near Bentiu, Lich State, as reported by Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) organization Holland on 29th November, 2018. Also, the Attack on the SPLA (IO) cantonment site at Bil Payam in Guit County in Lich State, by the Government-allied militias on December 7th, 2018.

It should be noted that, there are many activities which have been neglected and many others remain without being implemented in accordance with the R-ARCSS Annex, on (D-Day + 90). The regime seems to be cherry picking, which provisions of the agreement they would like to implement. The provisions of the agreement that are yet to be implemented, despite the expiration of the deadlines, are as follows:

  1. Cessation of all hostile military actions as defined in the CoHA of 21st December 2017 (in accordance to Article
  2. The departure of all Non-South Sudanese Armed Groups from the territories of South Sudan must be ensured (in accordance to Article 1.7)
  3. The immediate release of all Prisoners of War (PoWs), Political Prisoners, Detainees and Abductees under the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) supervision (in accordance to Article 2.1.6)
  4. Appointment of the Technical Boundaries Committee (TBC). (in accordance to Article 1.14.17)
  5. The completion and presentation of the Independent Boundaries Commission (IBC) recommendations to the IGAD Executive Secretariat (in accordance to Articles 1.14.10 and 1.14.12).
  6. The reconstitution of the Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) Commission
  7. Drafting of the Constitutional Amendment Bill to Incorporate the A-ARCSS into TCRSS (in accordance to Article
  8. Start and completion of disengagement and separation forces in close proximity, assembly and cantonment, registration of personals, weapons and equipments accountability, screening and re-organization and/or disarrangement and demobilization, and supply of non-military logistical items (in accordance to Article 2.2.2)
  9. Demilitarization of civilians centres, collection of long and medium range heavy weapons, cantonment of all forces, supervision of all bodies, submission of forces locations map, size of forces, weaponry, equipment and ammunition, and screening for recruitment into army, police, national security, other services and mobilization (in accordance to the Sub-Articles to receptively
  10. Commencing of joint training of necessity unified forces of the military, police and other security services (in accordance to Article 2.2.9) and;
  11. Cease all forms of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV) including sexual exploitation and harassment (in accordance to Article

Today, the SPLM/A (IO) takes this opportunity to urge the Government of South Sudan to respect and demonstrate their commitment to the R-ARCSS, and release all Prisoners of War and the remaining Political Prisoners, Detainees and abductees notably; Cde Aggrey Idri, Cde Dong Samuel Luak and Dr. Peter Biar Ajak (in accordance to Article 2.1.6). We call on regime forces to refrain from all forms of violence particularly, Gender-Based Violence and to hold any violators accountable.

Finally, we call upon Troika, African Union (AU), United Nations (UN), the International Community and all friends of the people of South Sudan to support the R-ARCSS. We encourage our friends not to abandon the people of South Sudan at this critical juncture of the peace process.

In conclusion:
The SPLM/A (IO) reiterates its full commitment to the Revitalized Agreement (R-ARCSS) in letter and spirit, continue to respect it and do anything reasonably possible towards this end.


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