More than 100 S. Sudan’s refugees, including children, remain in detention in Kakuma


Kakuma refugee camp in an aerial view (Photo: Supplied)

Dec 15th, 2019 (SSNN)-At least 6 people, including an eight-year-old boy, were killed last week, and several others were seriously injured in the aftermath of heavy fighting between South Sudanese and Sudanese refugees in the Kakuma Refugee Camp, SSNN correspondent has more on this story.

“It was an intense fighting between South Sudanese and Sudanese refugees that left 6 people dead, including a young boy and injured dozens others on both sides,” our reporter explained.

“So far, more than a hundred young South Sudanese, most of them from the Nuer tribe, including children as young as 13 years old, were arrested last Wednesday and locked up behind bars waiting to be transferred to other  detention centers before being released on bail for a large sum of money,” the SSNN correspondent added.

One of the community elders who spoke on condition of anonymity following the incident said that the Kenyan police carried out mass arrests, disproportionately targeting South Sudanese young men, he also denied alleged reports of a woman’s death during clashes between the two groups.

“No, that’s not true, it’s not our culture as the Nuer tribe even if the fighting deteriorates, we do not resort to killing innocent women,” the community elder denied.

On Wednesday, the police boss and deputy camp manager visited the camp and held a meeting with peacebuilding workers and community members in an attempt to settle the issue between the Nubian community and South Sudanese refugees and they also warned that anyone found to be moving with pangas or machetes at night would be dealt with accordingly.

Established in 1992, Kakuma refugee camp is home to thousands of South Sudan’s refugees who have fled their country following the outbreak of violence in 2013.

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