Latest: Troika issues statement on formation of unity gov’t, calls on leaders to meet their commitments

The official Emblem of the US Department of State.

January, 2nd, 2020 (SSNN)—The Troika countries, (the United Kingdom, the United States and Norway) have issued a strongly worded statement, calling on the South Sudanese leaders to fulfill their commitment to achieving lasting and sustainable peace in the country.

“The Troika remains committed to the people of South Sudan, and at this important point, we call upon all parties to meet their commitments to deliver lasting peace. With less than six weeks remaining to meet the extended deadline to form a Transitional Government of National Unity, South Sudan’s leaders have a clear duty to their citizens to deliver,” the Troika countries urged.

The Troika applauded the positive role played by the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) in ensuring that lasting peace prevails in South Sudan.

“We commend the leadership of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development in its continued efforts to mediate among the parties, and we commit to work with the region to ensure that the parties deliver progress.”

“We welcome the recent meetings between leaders of key parties and their public commitment to form a government of national unity by the February deadline. We urge all sides to build on this, to continue dialogue, and to ensure meaningful progress. We call on all sides to further demonstrate that they possess the political will to deliver peace.”

The Troika reminded all stakeholders of their obligations to maintain the ongoing Permanent Ceasefire.

“We also remind all parties to uphold, and affirm publicly, their commitment to the permanent ceasefire, and to instruct their forces to exercise restraint. Each delay in implementation worsens the urgent humanitarian crisis and shakes the people’s confidence in their leaders. Ending reliance on military force and creating political space for a diverse range of voices from all political parties, civil society, and the media is essential to creating a durable peace and an inclusive government that represents the interests of all parties to the agreement.”

The statement urged the South Sudanese government to ensure that the much-needed funds are disbursed in a transparent manner.

“We echo the voices of South Sudan’s civil society leaders, who have called on the government to fund the peace process transparently, and we encourage all signatories to demonstrate measurable progress on the issues of states and boundaries and on the implementation of pre-transitional security arrangements.”

“We encourage South Sudan’s recommitment to the inclusion of at least 35 percent of women in every level of government as decided by all the parties,” the Troika countries said.

Adding that, “The people of South Sudan deserve a government that respects human rights and leaders who make necessary compromises for the greater good of the country. We urge the signatories to the Revitalised Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan (R-ARCSS) to fulfill their obligations to represent the interests of all South Sudanese, do all that is required to form an inclusive national unity government, and lay the foundations for the next steps of South Sudan’s peace process and political transition.”

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