Latest: Authorities identify ringleaders behind yesterday’s barbaric attacks in Abyei


A UN bulldozer excavates a mass grave where 30 bodies were laid to rest in Abyei (Photo: Supplied) 

January 23rd, 2020 (SSNN)—The office of the Chief Administrator of the Abyei Special Administrative Area has strongly condemned, in the strongest possible terms, the recent attacks targeting innocent civilians, including children and the elderly, in the disputed Abyei Administrative region.

“Yesterday Morning at around 7:10 am, Wednesday January. 22, 2020, once again a combined force of the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) supported by their allied Missiriya Militias, attacked the village of Kolom (12 kilometers) North of Abyei Town. Thirty two (32) innocent civilians were killed and twenty four (24) other people are injured, 15 children abducted and the assailants burned twenty two (22) houses,” said Hon. Justice Kuol Alor, Chief Àdministrator of the Abyei Special Administrative Area.

The chief said that the attack was a deliberate plan by the Misserya to destabilize the area and displace the Ngok Dinka community from their ancestral lands.

“The intention of these groups is the displacement of Ngok Dinka from their homes. It was also confirmed that the attackers were in a Military uniform.”

The authorities name three individuals behind the attacks on innocent civilians.

“The Misserya attackers were led by the Popular Defence Force renegades according to eyewitness who confirmed that her children were kidnapped by the group and they are;

1- Hamad Abu Dabeka

2- Jok Bakhit

3- Belal Adam Thabek

The people and administration of Abyei Special Administrative Area, condemn the above barbaric attack in strongest terms possible and we asked UNISFA force to take necessary measures to prevent such attack within Abyei box and to apprehend the above mentioned criminals who have executed the attack.”

The recent attack on the Ngok Dinka community has sparked nationwide condemnation.

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