HRW Calls On AU, South Sudan To Work On Establishment Of Hybrid Court For South Sudan

South Sudan’s Presidential Unit /Tiger Division (source:unkown)

Oct 9th, 2019 (SSNN) — The Rights group, Human Rights Watch (HRW) released a statement on Wednesday, calling on the African Union and South Sudan Government to work towards the formation of a Hybrid Court in South Sudan.

“South Sudan ’s government and the African Union should urgently meet to clarify plans to set up a proposed hybrid court for wartime atrocities, Human Rights Watch said in a letter to both the government and the AU that was published today,” the statement partly reads.

Carine Kaneza Nantulya, Africa Advocacy Director at Human Rights Watch, stated that there’s an urgent need for South Sudan Government and the African Union (AU) to hold a high-level meeting, where specific plans will be made on how the long-awaited hybrid court could be established in the country.

“South Sudan’s parties have committed to justice for the victims of war crimes and asked the AU to take the lead on creating a hybrid court,” said Carine Kaneza Nantulya. “But there is no communication between the key players and the process is stalled. The AU and South Sudanese representatives should urgently convene a meeting to develop a plan to establish the court.”

According to the provisions of the revitalized peace agreement, the Hybrid Court for South Sudan is supposed to draw judges from South Sudan and across Africa.

“Some members of the government indicated that no action on the court is possible until the Revitalized Transitional Government of National Unity is formed, currently scheduled for November 12. But others, including government and AU officials, indicated that important preparatory steps can, and should, be taken ahead of the transitional government’s formation.”

The rights advocacy group, stressed that a partial court is needed in South Sudan to try those accused of committing heinous crimes and crimes against humanity.

“An independent court that brings those responsible for the worst crimes to justice is crucial for creating a durable peace,” Nantulya said. “A meeting with South Sudanese stakeholders and AU representatives would provide a much-needed forum to build a shared understanding and commitment for the hybrid court.”

As the countdown to the formation of Revitalized Transitional Government of National Unity begins, Human Rights Watch stressed that the African Union Task Force, C5, should convene an urgent meeting to chart the way forward.

“With the deadline for establishing the Revitalized Transitional Government of National Unity (R-TGoNU) approaching, we believe a meeting with representatives of the government, opposition figures, the AU Commission and the AU Ad-hoc High-Level Committee for South Sudan is urgently needed to clarify the situation and chart a course forward, with the support of South Sudan’s regional and international partners. The meeting is important to reinforce a commitment to justice and support victims of atrocities during the conflict.”

Human Rights Watch met in August and September 2019 with representatives of South Sudan’s government, the AU, and the United Nations, as well as opposition leaders, diplomats, and regional and local activists in Juba, South Sudan and Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

The meetings revealed a lack of a shared understanding between the government and the AU on establishing the Hybrid Court for South Sudan and the respective responsibilities to make the court operational.

The AU Peace and Security Council is scheduled to meet about South Sudan on October 23 and 24 in Addis Ababa. AU representatives should organize a meeting on the Hybrid Court for South Sudan in the margins of the council meeting with South Sudanese officials and with participation of South Sudan’s regional and international partners. Such a meeting would reinforce a commitment to justice and support for victims of atrocities committed during the conflict.

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