How South Sudan ties to Egypt could spark a regional war

Egyptian students and Air Force Academy graduates attend the graduation of 83 aviation and military science cadets at the Air Force Academy in Cairo, Egypt, July 20, 2016. (Photo credit: The Egyptian Presidency/SSNN)

Egyptian students and Air Force Academy graduates attend the graduation of 83 aviation and military science cadets at the Air Force Academy in Cairo, Egypt, July 20, 2016. (Photo credit: The Egyptian Presidency/SSNN)

June 12, 2020(SSNN) — Latest news across the region and middle east indicate that the world’s youngest nation, South Sudan, could be a host to a regional war over the Ethiopian’s Grant Renaissance Dam that is currently under construction.

Within the last five years, Egypt has signed multi-billion dollar deals with the world’s youngest nation, South Sudan, ranging from land deals, water and cooperation deals in oil and gas fields, however, one deal – military cooperation–  that was signed by the then Minister of Defense and Veteran Affairs, Gen. Kuol Manyang Juuk and his delegation that included Gen. Mabuto Mamuor Mate and other senior military generals, on July 23, 2014 is currently checking the region as its final details come to surface.

Also read: South Sudan signs military cooperation deal with Egypt

Also read: South Sudan And Egypt Sign Landmark Oil Cooperation Agreement

Juuk also signed similar military cooperations with Sudan and Uganda – two rivals that have been competing over South Sudan – around this time.

According to confidential reports that are being independently scrutinized, Egyptian military is alleged to be training South Sudanese army in Maban Mountains of Upper Nile, a few kilometres away from the South Sudan-Ethiopian borders.

English translation:

“He [Al Jazeera journalist] said he asked the South Sudan Broadcasting Corporation (SSBC) to read a video in which Egyptian officers have allegedly been training South Sudanese soldiers at Maban Mountains, which is at a distance of 30 kms from Maiwut County, near the South Sudan- Ethiopian border. The video was recorded by a South Sudanese security personnel. What appears in the video is a battalion of South Sudanese Army that Egyptian officers have been training in Maban. South Sudan has been accused for involving in the conflict between Ethiopia and Egypt because of Ethiopian Renaissance Dam. Things are not going on well between Ethiopia and Egypt.”

Outraged by these news, which have flooded media this week, the Ethiopians have warned that should such allegations happens to be true, then Ethiopia may decide to invade South Sudan before the Egyptians build a based in South Sudan- a threat that has brought South Sudanese politicians to media to deny the allegations.

According to what was a breaking news on Al Jazeera Arabic (above), Ethiopian army Chief of Staff responded to the Egyptian Chief of Staffs saying the Egyptians are adopting a policy of hostility and the use of force over the Grant Renaissance Dam.

Egypt investment in land deals along the Nile Basin

According to one of the most cited books on Land and Hydropolitics in the region, titled: Land and Hydropolitics in the Nile River Basin: Challenges and new investments, Egypt has been strategically investing in land, initially for the purpose of agricultural production to feed her growing populations, leading to acquisition of land along the Nile basin in Sudan, South Sudan and Ethiopian; however, the purpose for which such land could be used might entirely depend on the new owners.

From Nov 22, 2014, however, it became apparently clear that some of these lands could be used by the Egyptians strategically for military purposes to defend her interests and that of her people in the region.

On November 22, 2014, South Sudan president, H.E. President Salva Kiir, invited his Egyptian counterpart, the then president Abdel Fattah al-Sisi to visit South Sudan according to a report released by the then Foreign Minister Sameh Shukri announcing that:

“There is coordination between Egypt and South Sudan on the issue of the Nile water and Renaissance Dam crisis,” Shukri said in a joint press conference with South Sudanese Foreign Minister Barnaba Marial Benjamin.

Also read: Salva Kiir invites Sisi to visit South Sudan – foreign minister

According to confidential reports extended to our investigative journalists, some of these strategic locations include Maban mountains, where the Egyptians army are allegedly training South Sudan army at, and a based in Maiwut near Pagak, where the Egyptians are alleged to be assessing for their own military purposes.

Although South Sudan government has denied allocating a piece of land to the Egyptians for military purpose, South Sudan remains on records for overwhelming deals and cozy bilateral relationships towards Egypt and Sudan which have angered the Ethiopians who continually stood by the South Sudanese struggles.

Read the original report here


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