Head of Episcopal Church suspends Archbishop of Jonglei Internal Province in Provincial Standing Degree


The Archbishop and Primate of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan, The Most Reverend Justin Badi Arama (Photo: Profile Picture)

December 21st, 2019 (SSNN)-The Archbishop and Primate of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan and; the Diocesan Bishop of Juba Diocese, Reverend Justin Badi Arama has issued a provincial degree, suspending and withdrawing all Ecelesiastical Powers from the Archbishop of Jonglei Internal Province and Bishop of the Diocese of Bor, Reverend Ruben Akurdit.

“We, The Most Reverend Justin Badi Arama, by Divine Provident and Authority, The Primate of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan and; the Diocesan Bishop of Juba Diocese; To whom it all these presents be concerned. Greetings to you in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.”

“This Standing Order may be cited as: ‘The Standing Order for the Withdrawal of Ecelesiastical Powers and Suspension of Archbishop of Jonglei Internal Province and Bishop of the Diocese of Bor’ and shall come into force on the date of its signature by His Grace the Primate.”

In a provincial order seen by SSNN, the head of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan suspended the proposed establishment of New Dioceses and Area Dioceses with immediate effect.

“The Standing Order By the Divine Permission and authority, We, The Most Reverend Justin Badi Arama, the Primate of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan in reference to the Provincial order No.1/2018 withholding the creation of New Dioceses and Area Dioceses, which was adopted by the 11 Provincial Standing Committee meeting held in Juba from 14″ to 15 November 2019, which differed the Creation of New Dioceses and Areas to the Provincial Synod 2021 and furthermore in reference to the Primate’s letter dated 13″ December 2019, stopping the Inauguration of Dioceses and Consecration of Bishops, which you the Archbishop of Jonglei Internal Province and Bishop of the Diocese of Bor have undermined and violated; Do Issue this Order which is in exercise of powers conferred upon us in Article 16(1), (2). Article 17(3) and Article 27(1Xa) of the Constitution of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan 2016 AD. And in implementation of Canons 1, Section (a) on Proposal for Creation of New Dioceses; Do hereby Issue this Standing Order for “Withdrawal of Ecclesiastical Powers and Suspend you The Most Reverend Ruben Akurdid, The Archbishop of Jonglei Internal Province and Bishop of the Diocese of Bor” of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan.

“Issued under Our Hands in Juba on this 20h Day of December in the Year of our Lord; Two Thousand and Nineteen AD.”

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