Gen. Satino Deng Wol Strongly Condemns Gen. Akol Kor Over Extrajudicial Killing of Aweil Sons

L-R: Santino Deng Wol, 5th Division Head with Governor Malong and Police Commissioner Mading Duor during the independence anniversary in Aweil in 2013.(Phot credit: unknown/file)
Tuesday, May 14, 2019(SSNN) ā South Sudan’s Deputy Chief of Defense Forces for Administration, Lt. Gen. Santino Deng Wol, condemns the Director General of South Sudan National Security Services, Lt. Gen. Akol Kor Kuch, over what is now confirmed to be an extrajudicial execution of Aweil sons and daughters who were arrested in May 2017 following Gen. Malong, the former Chief of General Staff, defection from Kiir’s government in 2017.
According to whistle-blowers from South Sudan National Security Intelligence, who recently broke rank with Gen. Akol Kor and started to speak out, South Sudan National Security Service executed former bodyguards and forces of Gen. Malong in the course of the last two years and one such group of about 28 soldiers were extra-judicially executed recently and burned to ashes to conceal evidence.
The report alleges that Aweil sons in the National Security Services leaked to family members and friends that their sons, friends or colleagues were executed at President Kiir’s Luri camp at the orders of the Director of the National Security Services, Gen. Akol Kor Kuc but when the loved ones came to Luri to claim the bodies of their sons and daughters, they were denied.
“So what these people [national security] did is that they killed the bodyguards of Malong and Aweil intellectuals at Luri camp. When their family members were informed, they came to ask for the bodies of their sons for burial but they were sent away without clear information about the fates of their loved ones.” Said Lt. Col. Juma, who declined to give his full credentials due to fear of reprisal.
“The next thing we heard the next day was that there was a wild fire that has killed people somewhere in Western Bhar el Ghazal states. Investigation has shown that this incident was trigerred by some nasty activities carried out by the National Security agents to conceal evidences. ” Juma continued.
“We believe they did not mean to burn down 5 villages but when fire ran out of control, those who were behind this incident disappeared into the bushes of Lol State but we know them.” He added.
According to the insiders, when this news reached the office of Lt. Gen. Santino Deng Wol, who became very furious, he threatened Lt. Gen. Akol Kor to either produce the inmates alive or present their dead bodies to their families and explain to them what happened.
“Gen. Akol, that man does not listen to any body. So Gen. Santino threatened to handle the situation through his own means and he meant to declare war on Lt. Gen. Akol Kor and his loyalists. This is when some elders, who overheard the arguments, ran to H.E. President Kiir to intervene immediately.” He said.
“When president Kiir came in, Lt. Gen. Santino somehow pulled backed and let President Kiir deals with it. Now Lt. Gen. Akol and a few of his loyalists are under house arrest. This is the only way to calm down Aweil community or else the government will lose a huge number of fighters to Gen. Malong Awan.” Lt. Col. Juma continued.
UN Experts Report – The Inside Tiger and Outside Tiger
According to the UN Experts on South Sudan report, South Sudan National Security has developed pockets of small killing squads known as the “Inside Tiger” and “Outside Tiger”, who are publicly known as “unknown gunmen”.
“60. The National Security Service has also allegedly conducted a number of extrajudicial killings through two small killing squads known as āInside Tigerā and āOutside Tigerā, both of which are under the command of Lieutenant General Akol Koor Kuc. These āunknown gunmenā are alleged to have carried out a number of targeted killings in recent years, including of journalists and civil society activists in South Sudan and perceived critics or political opponents seeking refuge in neighboring countries, including in refugee camps.” Reads part of the UN Report.
According to Lt. Col. Juma, the Inside Tiger and Outside Tiger were originally created within the National Security in 2013 to deal with disobedient in the Tiger Division and mostly to eliminate members of Tiger Division who were loyal to Dr. Riek Machar, Paul Malong and other outspoken politicians.
Juma explained that the Inside Tiger are tigers dealing with fellow Tigers who are deemed to be disobedient or less loyal to the president.
“Members of Tiger Division are all 100% loyal to the President, any of them that seems to be less loyal to the president is killed. They are not jailed. This has been an ongoing exercise behind closed doors” Juma explains.
Because of such extrajudicial activities within the National Security Services, the UN experts report details how the peace agreement became a threat to the National Security and how much they are trying to resist it to maintain their unconstitutional powers.
“61. Viewing them as a threat to its independence, the National Security Service has resisted the imposition of many of the provisions of the revitalized peace agreement. 54 As such, it is emerging as one of the most significant obstacles to the implementation of the agreement and to the trust the agreement seeks to build between the signatories.” Part of the UN Experts report reads.
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