Full Text: IGAD strongly welcomes formation of coalition government

Press statement,

IGAD’s Press Statement on the Formation of the Revitalized Transitional Government of National Unity.

Official Emblem of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development, (Photo: File)

February 23, 2020 (SSNN)—The IGAD Special Envoy for South Sudan, Amb. Dr. Ismail Wais, welcomes the decision of the Parties to the Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan (R-ARCSS) to form the Revitalized Transitional Government of National Unity (R-TGoNU). The resolve by H.E. Salva Kiir Mayardit, President of the Republic of South Sudan and Dr. Riek Machar Teny, the First Vice President of the Republic of South Sudan, to compromise on two of the sticking issues that twice necessitated the deferment of the formation of the R-TGoNU demonstrated great leadership on their part.

IGAD congratulates the Parties and all people and friends of South Sudan for transitioning to the next phase of the Peace Agreement that is critical in laying a firm foundation for a peaceful, democratic and prosperous South Sudan.

The IGAD Council of Ministers meeting and the IGAD Heads of State and Government Summit held in Addis Ababa two weeks ago were instrumental in unlocking some of the most contentious issues particularly related to the number of states and transitional security arrangements. IGAD guided by its motto of “peace, prosperity and regional integration” has been working tirelessly and zealously to ensure that peace, as a sine qua non for prosperity and regional integration, is achieved in South Sudan.

IGAD is committed to continue providing and mobilizing all the necessary political, technical and material support in the quest for stability and nation building in South Sudan. Needless to say, without the political will, commitment and cooperation of all the Parties, and support of the people of South Sudan, peace will be an elusive ideal. Towards this end, IGAD urges the Parties to nurture the nascent political culture of dialogue, tolerance and compromise as the only way of achieving sustainable peace in South Sudan. It is in this spirit that the Parties should engage in addressing the remaining tasks including the allocation of ministerial portfolios.

IGAD recognizes that the internal frictions and divisions in some of the Parties to the RARCSS has caused unnecessary distraction in the Pre-Transitional Period and if allowed to persist, it will disrupt the implementation of transitional tasks during the Transitional Period. Therefore, it is high time that these Parties now overcome their internal differences and wrangles for the sake of peace. It is not possible for a party that is not in peace within itself to be in peace with others.

The stakeholders of the R-ARCSS and the people of South Sudan at large also need to play a more proactive role as the peace process should be people centered and people driven. In this regard, the R-TGoNU has the responsibility to ensure that a conducive and favorable environment for free and active participation of civil society is created. The R-TGoNU and civil society should also work closely for women to be capacitated and empowered, and that the 35% quota for women stipulated in the R-ARCSS is observed and respected.

Peace is not an end by itself but creates the environment necessary for a country to grow and prosper, and hence the task of nation building that upholds the ideals of democracy and rule of law should be given the due attention that it deserves in the upcoming Transitional Period. In this journey, regional and international partners should redouble their efforts in supporting the visions and aspirations of the people of South Sudan.

Finally, IGAD would like to thank the regional and international community for the unwavering and much needed support that they have provided to the South Sudan peace process thus far. In particular, IGAD Member States, AU and the UN as well as EU, Troika, China, Japan, IPF, Ethiopia, Sudan, South Africa, Nigeria, Egypt and Uganda. Their technical, financial and material support has been vital in the implementation of the Peace Agreement related tasks as well as in up-keeping the work of agreement institutions and mechanisms.

IGAD would also like to thank all Agreement institutions and mechanisms for ably discharging their mandate despite dire financial and other challenges they encountered in the course of their work. IGAD is also grateful for the important work that RJMEC and CTSAMVM are doing as the two main monitoring mechanisms of the R-ARCSS as well as for the close collaboration and support that it has received from these two mechanisms. Last but not least, the IGAD would like to appreciate and thank the people of South Sudan for their patience and resilience.


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