Deng Gai Gatluak, a protégé of Taban Deng Gai is a groomed Trojan Virus to South Sudan National Youth Union leadership.
By Majok Anyakdit Nhomuot,

Deng Gai Gatluak celebrating with local Chollo women in Wedakona in 2014 when Manyo County was under rebels control under his father Joseph Gai Gatluak(Photo credit: Deng Gai Gatluak)
June 29, 2019(SSNN) — There is no doubt and argument that Deng Gai Gatluak had been a rebel between 2013 to 2016, following the political crisis that unfolded in the Republic of South Sudan. Deng Gai who had been a dancing tune of balancing between Dr. Riak Machar Teny, Taban Deng Gai and Ezekiel Lol Gatkuoth rhetoric camps, is currently forging his way to becoming a President of South Sudan National Youth Union.
SSNYU is a National Youth Organization established in 2011 with the objectives to unite youth across the country irrespective of their political affiliations was devastated by it first ever leader, Dr. Albino Bol Dhieu who out of four years in the docket ran the youth affairs in a briefcase and V8 Land Cruiser as his Office. A true caliber of Deng Gai Gatluak in contrast.
Retrospectively, Deng Gai Gatluak a chauvinist who can do everything to cling to power and immediately turned against his own comrades in the shortest time possible should not be given way to cause more disintegration of the already fragile SSNYU. Deng Gai himself can agree with me on how he messed up South Sudanese Youth Union in Kampala, Uganda in his leadership styles during the time a true youth leader commits herself/himself to managing the affairs of solidarity as independent youth organization. The Union was heavily influenced by parties and lost its independence from both incumbent and opposition alike.
As a delegate to SSNYU 2nd Convention that’s going to take place soon, I do not partake in the political gaming of Deng Gai Gatluak briefcase meetings privately taking place from Pyramid International Hotel to Palms Africa Hotel and Crown Hotel respectively. I am afraid if this is the trend youth politics is pursuing, then chances of the whole organization collapsing are higher than our own expectation.
And if given ground to prevail, then its independence is compromised and would now be serving a certain political party interest and will developed sense from our dear Youth that associates to rebellion is a good method of political journey – I do not know whether it would serve SPLM-IO-Riak, SPLM-IO-Taban or SPLM main and the specific objective to which it was formed is lost in the process of each party amount the rival parties trying to gain complete control of the youth independent organization.
Here, I would like to send a strong message to your esteemed sovereign being as Deng Gai Gatluak, not a secret! Mr. Gatluak, if you are realistic in your quest to succeed Dr, Albino Bol Dhieu in good faith and to unify the fragile SSNYU.
kindly keep away from dirty politics that you “say the issue of fund is settled by our big Man and we have everything on our table and what remain is how we can inject this cash in order to influence the Youth. “ and abstain from political leaders driving you in disguise and face us openly as delegates representing youth across South Sudan in order for you to sing your philosophy not a doctrine of someone we do not know!
I reserved myself with hopes to see you switch off from this gymnastic maneuvering which is highly likely tainting your aspiration for youth leadership.
The writer is a Delegate to SSNYU and can be followed on his Facebook page Majok Anyakdit or reached via Email:
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