Breaking: S. South announces to launch public event to response to The Sentry report on South Sudan


The Sentry Report Featuring Kiir and his network of corrupt family members (Photo: Supplied)

Dec 2nd, 2019 (SSNN)-The office of the President has issued a statement announcing its plan to hold a public event for the official launch of South Sudan’s Response to The Sentry report on South Sudan, an investigation report that accuses South Sudan leaders and foreign companies of amassing illegal wealth and assets at the expense of the suffering population.

In a press release entitled the ‘Launch of the Government’s Response to The Sentry Report on South Sudan’, the South Sudanese government extended an invitation to the media, diplomatic representatives and government officials, to attend the event scheduled to take place on 5 December 2019 in the capital, Juba.

“The Sentry, a subsidiary of the Enough Project. a human rights advocacy group based in Washington. DC, released a damning report on alleged economic and war crimes in South Sudan-The Taking of South Sudan: The Tycoons. Brokers, and Multinational Corporations Complicit in Hijacking the World’s Newest State. This is one of the many documents the organization has released on South Sudan since 2016 The Office of the President responded to these allegations by establishing an investigative team. which has now submitted its final Report,” said the document signed by Ateny Wek Ateny Press Secretary, in the Office of the President.

“The Report is illuminating and indeed sets the records straight. Thus, the Office of the President is pleased to invite the media houses. government representatives, diplomatic corps, and the general public to a launch of the Government’s Response.”

In September, the Sentry released a 64-page report entitled the Taking of South Sudan, a detailed analysis that
uncovered the network of corruption in the World’s youngest nation.

The Sentry report revealed, for example, how seven members of President Salva Kiir’s immediate family have built business relationships with 25 tycoons from more than 12 countries in Africa, the United States and other Western countries.

The report gave its recommendations, and urged the international community to immediately take measures against South Sudan government.

These include, among others, imposing sanctions on human rights violators, blocking corrupt officials’ access to luxury goods and property abroad, and requesting the US government to investigate the illicit money flows that are financing atrocities in South Sudan.

South Sudan’s leaders accumulate illegal wealth as its citizens languish away in refugee camps.

The Sentry accused South Sudan leaders, especially those close to the president, of being responsible for the continued suffering of the population.

The Sentry report also uncovered how Dar Petroleum — one of the largest oil companies in South Sudan, enabled and provided material support in the form of fuel to a pro-government militia “that went on to commit atrocities, including burning of entire villages, targeting civilians and an attack on a UN protection-of-civilians site”.

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