Bor youth ambushed Nuer white army, raided cattle recovered from Murle

Armed youth in Bor, Jonglei State, chanting songs of war after Shirkaat protests(source: extracted)

June 21, 2020(SSNN) — Reports from Bor town, Jonglei State, alleged that Bor youth have ambushed a platoon of Nuer white army, who were returning with recovered cattle from Murle, killed one of them and took all their cattle.

Speaking to South Sudan News Now, the spokesman of the white army, said that 29 of their members whom they sent with over 900 herds of cattle that were allegedly recovered from Murle were ambushed by Bor youth on their way.

According to the white army spokesman, one of them was killed and three others were wounded by the Bor youth who eventually took all the cattle.

“Our boys were outnumbered but they defended themselves.” One white army officer said.

“They were only 29, so Bor youth have killed one of them and wounded three others. The remaining 25 members fought hard to defend the wounded three” He continued.

“They have rescued the wounded but they took all the cattle we recovered from the Murle.” he added.

The report indicate that the white army are still fighting in Murle in what they called a “peace mission” to recover their cattle and abducted children.

In other reports, South Sudan national security in Juba has detained the helicopter that was evacuating wounded fighters from Murle allegedly for failing to evacuate wounded fighters on Murle side.

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