An open Letter to elected MPs of Tonj at the National Legislative Assembly in Juba


Dear Honorable MPs Representative,

By Morris Mabior Awikjokdit, Juba, South Sudan

Gov't and community leaders from Tonj and Wau pose for a group photo after signing the resolution in Wau on June 20, 2017. PHOTO//Deng Dimo/Eye Radio

Gov’t and community leaders from Tonj and Wau pose for a group photo after signing the resolution in Wau on June 20, 2017. PHOTO//Deng Dimo/Eye Radio

Thursday, January 17, 2019 (SSNN) —- I am very fortunate to have been able to have a secure roof over my head. Having that comfort is unfortunately a luxury that many in our community are not able to have due to these difficult economic circumstances. Recently, I have become very concerned about the increase in criminalization efforts against the most vulnerable in Thiet County of Tonj State, the homeless. As a proud member of our community yourself, I am sure that you share many of these concerns.

Research has shown that people experiencing such mistreatment have endured an increasingly hostile environment of imposed forceful recruitment which has resulted to looting of vulnerable citizens’ properties, torturing and human right abuses on daily basis. The data collected has shown that looting of Apuk Juwiir community has taken consecutive three years since from the era of former Governor Akec Tong up to the present time. What is particular about this community in Tonj?

Did we commit a sin that cannot be forgiven? Many of the day to day activities, that many of us take for granted, are restricted to people without shelter such as local ordinances that deem sitting on sidewalks or loitering to be infractions. Citizens of this community should be able to work toward getting out of their demeaning situation without the fear of being harassed and cited for being impoverished.

Huge amount of money had been illegally collected from the hand of vulnerable people especially disabled and widows. Additionally, number of assorted food items have been looted and thousands of goats slaughtered in the name of recruitment exercises. We have become a sovereign and democratic state and we don’t need to misbehave and hostile to our people whom we fought for their freedom.

I ask that you rise the motion in parliament and summon Governor Anthony Bol Madut to come and answer the criminal activities taking in Apuk Juwiir area. In supporting this motion it will guarantee that the rights, privacy and property of vulnerable persons are adequately safeguarded and protected under the laws of this state.

It will guarantee that individuals and families experiencing such human right abuses are allowed to move freely in public spaces, including on public sidewalks, in public parks, on public transportation and in public buildings without harassment or intimidation from law enforcement officers in the same manner as other persons.

They will have equal opportunities for rule of law, have personal information protected, have a reasonable expectation of privacy in his or her personal property, and receive equal treatment by state and military agencies. Please support the rights and dignity of all members of our community by supporting this piece of legislation.

Thank you for your time and efforts to protect and serve Apuk Juwiir community in the hand of Governor Bol Madut and the hostile military commanders in the area!


Morris Mabior Awikjokdit

Diplomatic student- Starford International University & former SPLM party agent: 0928663444/0912221666

Cc: H.E. Gen. Nhial Deng Nhial (MP), Minister of foreign affairs and international cooperation- Republic of South Sudan

Cc: Hon. Augustino Mathok Thuc Kur (MP)- TNLA

Cc: Hon. Martha Ayuek Yaac Arop (MP) party List

Cc: Hon. Ayak Ngor Athian (MP) women List

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