Amnesty calls for justice as Sudan marks anniversary of uprising


Sudan’s protesters turn up in their numbers protesting against repressive regime of former Sudanese President Omar Hassan al-Bashir (Photo: Unknown)

December 19th, 2019 (SSNN)-One year on after the popular uprising that led to the ouster of former Sudanese President Omar Hassan al-Bashir, Amnesty International has called on Sudan’s Sovereign Council to deliver on human rights and justice for all victims.

“One year after protests broke out in Sudan leading to the ouster of President Omar al Bashir on 11 April 2019, the new transitional authorities must live up to the hopes and expectations of the Sudanese people, Amnesty International said today…the Sudanese people … can celebrate that their collective action brought an end to suffocating repression and revived hopes for a better Sudan, said Seif Magango, Amnesty International Deputy Director for East Africa, the Horn and the Great Lakes.

“A year after the Sudanese people took to the streets to protest a spike in food prices ultimately ending three decades of the Al-Bashir regime, they can celebrate that their collective action brought an end to suffocating repression and revived hopes for a better Sudan,” he added.

The Rights advocacy group, Amnesty International, called on the Sudanese authorities to observe, adhere and protect human rights in the country.

“The transitional authorities must honour the commitments they made to restore the rule of law and protect human rights. The Sudanese people deserve nothing less.”

“The Sudanese people’s hopes now lie squarely with the transitional authorities headed by Prime Minister Abdullah Hamdok, and backed by the Transitional Constitutional Charter, which enshrines the country’s most comprehensive Bill of Rights yet. The transitional authorities must honour the commitments they made to restore the rule of law and protect human rights. The Sudanese people deserve nothing less,” said Seif Magango.

The group commended the Sudanese people for ending 30 years of repressive regime responsible for grave human rights violations over the years.

“In a positive step, the government in November 2019 repealed the public order laws and brought to an end the era of egregious violations particularly targeting women’s rights and freedoms.”

“The responsibility on Prime Minister Hamdok’s shoulders is as large as the aspirations of the Sudanese people who suffered decades of serious human rights violations, and crimes under international law including genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity. The victims have the right to truth, justice and reparations under international law,” said Seif Magango.

Amnesty International urged the government to hold accountable those responsible for human rights violations.

“The government must proactively address accountability for these crimes by among other things, rebuilding the credibility and capacity of the justice system to thoroughly and effectively investigate and prosecute the crimes. The government is also required under international law to transfer Omar al Bashir to the International Criminal Court, in compliance with arrest warrants pending against him for crimes committed in Darfur between 2003 and 2010.”

The statement added that: The responsibility on Prime Minister Hamdok’s shoulders is as large as the aspirations of the Sudanese people who suffered decades of serious human rights violations, and crimes under international law,” stressed by Seif Magango, Amnesty International’s Deputy Director for East Africa, the Horn and the Great Lakes.

“While the recent appointment of a new Attorney General and Chief Justice offers hope that accountability will be a priority for the transitional authorities, successful prosecution of those found responsible for grave human rights violations would greatly bolster confidence in the national judicial system.”

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