Abyei Independence Army (Abyei Mission) forgotten their objective and mission while loafing food in street.

By Brown Akoon Yel Dut, Rummarial.

April 16, 2020(SSNN) — The first question is asking who is the responsible of killing innocent civilians in Abyei administrative area? If answer might be army are responsible of killing innocent people of Abyei. Then It means the government of South Sudan have failed its obligation duties to protect civilians in Abyei Area. These experiences highlight that innocent civilians in Abyei are not being protecting by the government of South Sudan because the Abyei Mission don’t known its duties. Civilians are often the center of gravity for military operations, and the population’s support is partly related to providing protection from perpetrators or, in some cases, from rival identity groups.Abyei

Harming civilians undermines military efforts and becomes a divisive issue between multinational partners. Even if a military force is not responsible for civilian casualties that occur, there are expectations that the force prevents widespread harm to civilians, regardless of the cause. So it showing that Abyei mission army who were brought for the mission of Abyei have hands for slaying innocent civilians. If they’re serious they would have protected Civilians from strangers particularly Missiryia Nomadic.

During most operations, Army units are concerned with civilians’ welfare while achieving the desired outcomes to a conflict or crisis. Operational objectives may include a safe and secure environment, good governance, rule of law, social well-being, a sustainable economy, and ensuring the protection of civilians from future threats. Under certain circumstances, other urgent human security threats are the main operational focus of Army units as they support other actors. In any case, it may be unlikely that a peaceful political settlement can be achieved unless the protection of civilians is adequately addressed. Regardless of the operation, Army units support the protection of civilians in two general ways. Avoidance of civilian harm. Army units comply with the law of war and other relevant bodies of law to minimize civilian harm. The government of South Sudan proclaiming high diplomatic with Sudanese government while the case of killing innocent Civilians in Abyei Area have not been addressed. What are the key achievements there between two countries who have proclaimed high diplomatic? I am just asking.

Additionally, Army units avoid actions that undermine the efforts of other actors to improve human security. Deliberate civilian protection actions. Army units perform offensive, defensive, and stability tasks that mitigate harm to civilians and create an environment conducive to the protection of civilians. The protection of civilians involves many actors aside from Army units. These include domestic and international civilian, police, and military organizations that address security, governance, rule of law, humanitarian, and developmental needs. The latter considerations are relevant to the protection of civilians because they affect civilian well-being and mitigate grievances and root causes of conflict that harm civilians. Civilian protection actors have dissimilar goals and use different methods, even if they agree about the general desirability to protect civilians. To the extent possible, civilian populations (including those loyal to the enemy) must be protected from the effects of combat. In addition to humanitarian reasons and the need to comply with the law of war, excessive civilian casualties create political pressure that limits freedom of action of Army units. Civilian harm creates ill will among the population, with lasting repercussions that impair post-conflict reconstruction and reconciliation.

Civilians are vulnerable to the direct effects of combat operations and the indirect effects of having  their lifestyles, livelihoods, and infrastructure disrupted. The law of war, particularly the principles of proportionality and discrimination, directs units not to target civilians and other noncombatants. However, enemies may be located among civilians and place these civilians in danger. It may be appropriate to modify or delay operations when civilians are at risk and the expected civilian harm is excessive in relation to the actual military advantage anticipated. Units may have to contend with large numbers of dislocated civilians, and enemy combatants may attempt to blend into these groups.

This can complicate matters if dislocated civilians seek security, shelter, or sustainment from Army units. Whenever possible, units establish specific routes and control measures  for civilian movement and avoid contact between civilians and maneuver units. The government of South Sudan should relocate innocent civilians of Abyei to safe environment rather than dying always without gaps. For God and my country. #FreeAbyeiFromBleeding!

“A tongue is a good weapon”.

The writer is Keda-Keda Ken Malek Yiäth Yenakan! Ken Kuel Ayii yenakan. Brown Akoon Yel Dut, living in Rummarial, South Sudan. He can be reached brownakoon26@gmail.com.

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